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IBM Business Automation Manager Open Edition - Virtual TechXchange on April 18

By Reinhold ENGELBRECHT posted Mon January 09, 2023 12:22 PM


Join this free virtual TechXchange (with hands-on labs) on Tuesday, April 18, on IBM Business Automation Manager Open Edition (BAM) which is the new product name for the former Red Hat PAM/DM products that have recently moved to the IBM Business Automation portfolio.

After this session, you will have a good understanding of what this transition means for you. At the same time, you will get familiar with Kogito, an exciting new technology, and design, build and deploy a simple Kogito automation project in OpenShift. The event that is targeted at an European, Middle East and Africa audience, is also a good chance to get any related questions answered.

You will need to have your computer at hand for accessing the hands-on labs in the IBM Cloud (any operating system, just browser access is needed). As we expect a high interest in this technical exploration and the number of participants is limited due to the hands-on exercises, please register fast to secure your seat.

Agenda (starting at 9:30 CEDT)

  • IBM Business Automation Manager Open Edition - What the Product Transition Means for You
  • Overview of cloud-native business automation with Kogito
  • Hands-on lab: From modelling to testing and deploying a business automation in OpenShift
  • Demo: Extending the solution with Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
  • Some other Business Automation capabilities complimenting IBM Business Automation Manager Open Edition
  • Closing


  • Fadi Sandakly, Nigel Crowther, Reinhold Engelbrecht
  • Business Automation Technical Sales EMEA

This session is a repeat of the same session on February 8. 

You can register for the April 18 session here.

