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Deploy BAMOE Canvas locally with Podman Desktop

By Raul Mariano posted Tue May 14, 2024 03:17 PM


#As promised, I'm sharing some ways to deploy IBM Business Automation Open Edition 9.0.x locally with Podman Desktop, suitable for a study or testing environment. See more in the main post here.

In this post, I will be using the BAMOE Canvas installation tutorial from the official documentation as a basis, which already provides images of pre-configured containers. These images come from the open-source KIE community and are published on and can be used to run containers locally or on any cloud provider. For this reason, I emphasize the importance of consulting the official documentation for IBM Business Automation Manager Open Edition 9.0.x.

To ensure the success of the implementation, here are some observations:

  • Make sure your Podman Desktop is installed correctly as instructed in the main article.
  • To write this post, I used BAMOE Canvas v9.0.1. To proceed with the next steps, make sure the version is available.

For the first steps, we will have to pull three container images:

The next 5 steps must be performed for the 3 images:

1 - Access the repository and navigate to the Tags page, locate the version and click the Fetch Tag button:

2 - In Image Format, select the Podman Pull (by tag) option, and copy the repository address and version, for example:

3 - Return to Podman Desktop > Dashboard, navigate to the Images screen and click the Pull button:

4 - Enter the directory in the Image to Pull field, then click Pull image:

5 - Wait for the image to download, then click Done:

Imported image! Now don't forget to repeat this process for the other two images.

With all the images imported, we will start initializing each one. To do this, simply click on the Run Image button.

See what needs to be configured for each container:

  • Canvas:
    • I recommend naming the container to make it easier to identify in the future.

    • This image needs to be run with two environment variables that will allow it to communicate with your backend services:

      • KIE_SANDBOX_EXTENDED_SERVICES_URL = http://localhost:21345/

      • KIE_SANDBOX_GIT_CORS_PROXY_URL = http://localhost:8090/

    • Select the Start Container button.

  • Extended-services:
    • I recommend naming the container to make it easier to identify in the future.
    • Select the Start Container button.

  • Git-cors-proxy:
    • I recommend naming the container to make it easier to identify in the future.
    • Port 8080 is reserved for Canvas, so we will use port 8090.
    • Select the Start Container button.

Navigate to the Container screen to view them running. Click on Open Browser to access applications.

BAMOE Canvas will be available and ready to use at localhost:8080.

Dev deployments

Now that your Canvas is running, you can perform deployment development on your cloud infrastructure using OpenShift or Kubernetes. In the BAMOE Canvas itself, there are steps for you to carry out this configuration, access the Dev Deployments button in the top menu and then choose the provider:

Connect to OpenShift
Because we are using Podman Desktop, it is possible to use the OpenShift Local extension, but if, like me, you are using your daily computer, the hardware prerequisites may be an impediment. Red Hat OpenShift Local has minimum hardware and operating system requirements. At the time of writing this post, OpenShift Local is at v2.35, so check the Red Hat documentation for the requirements.

For the purpose of showing options for installing BAMOE Canvas locally for studies and testing, I recommend using the Developer Sandbox, which currently offers 30 days of free access to a shared cluster on OpenShift. Just follow the guidelines during setup and I am sure you will be successful.

Another interesting option is to install BAMOE Canvas directly in the Developer Sandbox for free (eliminating the need to use Podman Desktop). Create and access your Developer Sandbox account and follow this installation tutorial.

Connect to Kubernetes
If you prefer to use Kubernetes, you can continue with the Podman Desktop extensions. As I showed previously, during configuration, BAMOE Canvas has all the necessary guidelines to make a connection.

In conclusion, this article has shown how to deploy an IBM BAMOE Canvas (9.0.x) project locally using Podman Desktop.
Don't forget to follow the official IBM Business Automation Manager Open Edition documentation and the Open Editions Community, many new features are still to come.

Let me know if you have any questions.

