Cloud Pak for Business Automation

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What’s New: IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation as a Service February 2024

By Melia Weeks posted Mon February 05, 2024 12:12 PM


We are pleased to announce some exciting enhancements for the IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation as a Service 2024.01 February 2nd, 2024 update. This announcement highlights improvements to the SaaS platform as well as the trial.


    • Modernize SaaS Platform layer to reduce downtime during maintenance

    • Migrated CP4BA SaaS UI from Vue.js to React due to upcoming EOS for Vue.js

    • Landing page of trial has been enhanced to assist on the journey to CP4BAaaS

For more information on Cloud Pak for Business Automation as a Service, visit the Knowledge Center or explore the IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation homepage to learn more and register for your free trial! View the previous release announcement on the IBM  Cloud Pak for Business Automation Community Blog here.

