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One shot installation of IBM Business Automation Manager Open Editions on your laptop

By Marco Antonioni posted Tue October 18, 2022 05:26 AM

In this post I will tell you how to install IBM Business Automation Manager Open Editions on your local environment with a simple command.

The prerequisites are minimal, a Linux box with at least 4GB of ram, very little disk space, a Java runtime, IBM and RedHat accounts from which to download the installation packages and any fixes.

The explanation and sources of the installation tool are on my GitHub project.

Let's start with accessing the portals for downloading packages, navigate to and read the guide.

To begin the installation clone the github ibm-bamoe-oneshot-installation project to your laptop and use the scripts.

By following the instructions in the readme file you can have a IBM Business Automation Manager Open Editions development and runtime environment in seconds.


IBM Process Automation Manager Open Editions Documentation

IBM Business Automation Manager Open Editions Software Support Lifecycle Addendum

Installing and configuring IBM Business Automation Manager Open Editions

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1 comment



Fri January 27, 2023 12:28 PM

Hi. Thanks for the information.
It would be awesome if you can also produce a ready to go OVA VM, so people (like me) that have interest on learning from zero, can start playing as fast as possible with the platform.
Regards. Martin