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Additional Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform entitlement for some of the IBM Cloud Paks

By Leif Davidsen posted Fri December 11, 2020 10:08 AM

With a growing number of customers with entitlements to different IBM capabilities though Cloud Paks, there are increasing deployments on Red Hat OpenShift. 
IBM Cloud Paks have included entitlements to Red Hat OpenShift to enable Cloud Pak workloads to be deployed, and in response to customer uptake, IBM has increased the amount of included RH OpenShift entitlements in selected Cloud Paks. 

The following Cloud Paks now have a 3:1 ratio of entitlements of Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform for each Cloud Pak VPC (where appropriate)
Other Cloud Paks also have Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform Entitlements with different ratios according to their offering structure
As an example, with the above change a customer with entitlement to 100 VPCs of Cloud Pak for Integration would have entitlements to 300 cores of Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.

These OpenShift cores are restricted entitlements, and are limited to the deployments of the Cloud Pak components, rather that 3rd party offerings or user workloads. Entitlements to OpenShift which come as part of a Cloud Pak entitlement must only be used for that Cloud Pak. Additional unrestricted OpenShift entitlements should be purchased separately for additional workload to be deployed on OpenShift. 

The licenses of the Cloud Paks above have been updated over recent months to reflect the new OpenShift entitlements. Customers who have purchased since those updates will get immediate entitlement to the specified Red Hat OpenShift cores. Customers who purchased Cloud Pak entitlements prior to these changes will have their entitlement records for OpenShift updated in due course to show the new entitlements. Therefore you might see a different number of OpenShift entitlements than you have been expecting.

Please review your Offering Licenses, and any questions about this should be passed to your customer representative.

