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Part 2: Setup the cluster resource and create a CR for your ODM deployment (20.0.3)

By Lawrence Louie posted Wed February 10, 2021 06:23 PM

Author: Lawrence Louie
Reviewers:  Adam Davis, Alain Robert, Xiao Hua, Yan Fen Guo

This is the second step of a multi-step guide to help you generate the CP4A custom resource for an Operational Decision Manager (ODM) installation.   You must complete part 1 before you begin part 2. In part 2, you run two scripts: and The cp4a-cluster-admin script is used to setup the cluster resources and cp4a-deployment is used to generate a custom resource file that you configure for your ODM installation in part 3. 

Download the cp4a resource files

$ git clone --branch 20.0.3.x
Where x is the number of the interim fix (ifix). Leave the x off if you want the quarterly release.

Setup the CP4A cluster resource:

Login to the openshift using ocadmin: 
oc login -u ocadmin -p ocadmin

Run the cp4a cluster admin script

$ ./cert-kubernetes/scripts/ 

1. Select 2, Openshift Container platform (OCP).
2. Select 2 for this enterprise install.  
3. Use the "odm-qa" namespace.
4. Use user1  (the user that you created in part 1). 
5. Provide the storage class on your openshift. For example, managed-nfs-storage.

The following screenshot shows the expected behavior:
custom admin setup script


When the script is finished, common services is installed, and the odm-qa project is created. 

Generate a custom resource file with a minimum set of ODM configuration parameters.  

1. Login to the OCP cluster using user1.
oc login -u user1 -p user1

2. Execute the command of "oc get route console -n openshift-console -o yaml|grep routerCanonicalHostname" in your unix shell.  The value of my setup is 

3. Run the script from cert-kubernetes/script directory. 
$ ./

Provide the following values when requested:
* Accept the IBM license.
* Select 1 for this new installation.
* Select "No" for OLM for this deployment.
* Select the "enterprise" deployment type.
* Select  2 for  "Openshift Container Platform (OCP) - Private Cloud" for the cloud platform to deploy

The following screenshot shows the expected behavior:

* Select 2 to install Operational Decision Manager, and then press enter to complete the selection.

* Select 1, 2, 3 for decision center, rule execution server, and decision runner, and press enter to complete the selection.

* Provide the following value when requested:
- the IBM Entitlement key, you can find this information from IBM container library
- the host of the server (, which the value found in step 2.  
- a storage class (managed-nfs-storage)
- Tivoli Directory Server

* Once you finalized your changes, it will proceed with the configuration.


Once the script is completed, the cp4a operator pod is successfully installed. You can verify the operator pod is running by using: $ kubectl get pods.

The custom resource is created in the cert-kubernetes directory:  cert-kubernetes/scripts/generated-cr/ibm_cp4a_cr_final.yaml

If there's any issue occurs during this configuration setup, check the operator log, event logs, and also review the troubleshooting guide.   More detail can be found here

Next Step:

After completing all of these steps, you are ready to move to part 3. In part 3, you configure the CR for your Operational Decision Manager deployment using enterprise decisions pattern template.  


