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Community Tips Series: it's time to update your preferences with the new notification options in your profile.

By Gabriel Marte Blanco posted Fri June 17, 2022 11:47 AM


Hello community members, 

There are many ways for you to stay involved once you join a community topic. You can subscribe to the topic's digest newsletter, a consolidated summary of the activity in the community topic, which now offers new options that allow you to choose the best notification options for you. 

We have provided a detailed explanation of each option below:

  • Discussions Digest: This option provides community members with a summary of new discussions created in the community. Members can select for the email to be delivered daily or on real time. 
  • Daily Digest: This option provides community members with a complete summary of new discussions, blogs, and library entries created in the community from the previous date. 
  • Weekly Digest: This options provides community members with a complete summary of new discussions, blogs, and library entries for the previous week, which allows members to catch up on anything they might have missed.

After you join your favorite topic group, you can change your preferences for how often you receive the consolidated digest. This blog will show you how to change your email preferences for the digest newsletter. On here, you will be able to change from daily digest to weekly for discussions or consolidated digests based on what works for you best. 

Read below to learn how to change your preferences once you are subscribed to a digest for your topic group: 
  • To edit your notifications preferences
    • Go to your IBM Community Profile on the top right corner
  • Once on your profile, click on My Account 
    • Group emails
    • Participation Emails
    • Promotional Emails
    • Smart Newsletters
    • Click on Email Preferences
    • Here you are able to participate or opt-out from the following options:
  • To edit Digest notifications, go to My Account
    • Group Notifications 
    • Here you are able to change your daily digest preferences 
    • You can change daily digest to no email or Consolidated Weekly Digest

  • If you have subscribed before, we recommend going back to check update your notification preferences and select the daily or weekly digest.

Thank you for always making the community the best place to go for all IBM-related questions and information.

