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“Automation GPS” (Know Where You Are. Know Where You’re Going) – A New Community Series Starts With Cloud Cost Optimization

By DAVID Jenness posted Mon March 06, 2023 12:40 PM


Today marks the start of a new monthly series on the IBM Business Automation Community, called “Automation GPS.” IBM automation experts, with many years of experience, are building out a catalog of “Five Minute Expert” briefs, each of which addresses a challenge to organizations automating aspects of their business and can be read in less than 5 minutes. We’ll publish a paper on the first Monday of every month and then we’ll feature the authors of the paper in a Live Q&A Webcast on the Third Monday of each month. 

As you’ll see, these papers are not product pitches or marketing slicks, but rather the Best Practices gleaned from years of customer trial and error. It’s often said, you can’t know where you’re going if you don’t know where you are. This series will give you the information you need to understand where you are AND where you are going.

The first paper in the series addresses one of the hottest topics for Automation user groups in 2022: Migrating to the Cloud. I attended several regional meetups in 2022, where IBM customers and Business Partners were sharing their experiences moving legacy systems to the cloud. What I was struck by in many of the presentations was the sense of surprise at how expensive the cloud computing was going to be.

For example, a New England-based insurer recounted the recent cost analysis they did as a prelude to migrating to the cloud. Once they calculated the ongoing data transfer and networking costs, they determined that it was going to be more expensive to run their Business Automation systems on the cloud than it is on-premises. 

The ensuing roundtable discussion focused on how the insurer can rethink their cloud migration in a way that’s optimized for the cloud. “Many organizations go into a cloud migration project with a Lift and Shift mentality,” says Tim Pascarella, IBM Senior Technical Advisor for IBM. “They want to bring everything over just the way it was on-prem. It’s not that simple. You have to rethink your systems and optimize them for the Cloud before you get started.”

It's exactly for this reason that Benedict Fernandes and Brian Safron wrote Don’t overpay for cloud. Avoid these six common mistakes.”  This is a five-minute read that could save you and your organization significant outlay and help make sure that your cloud migration doesn’t lead to unpleasant surprises.

Invest 5 minutes in reading the paper here and then make plans to join us on Monday, March 20 at 11 AM ET, when Fernandes and Safron will join a live discussion on the topic where they will answer your questions. Click here and press the RSVP button to join.



