“The Practitioners” is the monthly web series from the Public Sector User Group, which invites a deep subject matter expert to share their knowledge and take questions. Matt Vest, Senior Product Manager for Content Services, joined the series on Thursday, November 10, to show the newly released IBM Content Services, which presents core FileNet capabilities as a multitenant, SaaS offering on Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Matt began by provisioning a new instance of Content Services from scratch, even setting up an IBM ID first, and then logging into AWS and making the request. He launched the environment and took the audience on a tour through the experience.
Matt also spent a fair amount of time on the pricing and metrics, and based on the responses, the audience seemed to agree that IBM had achieved its goal of providing the robust capabilities of FileNet Content Manager in a more affordable, easier to consume product.
Here is the full session that inspired so many questions that we went beyond the allotted hour. I would welcome your comments or impressions. And know too that Matt and the Product Management team would welcome more Sponsor Users, so if you’re interested, send an email to Matt at mvest@us.ibm.com.
Get your own 30-day trial for IBM Content Services on AWS here.