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Architecture Is Destiny: An Open Q&A with FileNet Architect Mike Winter on July 14

By DAVID Jenness posted Thu July 07, 2022 03:31 PM


Houses in Miami are designed to anticipate 90-mile-an-hour winds during hurricane season. Buildings in Tokyo have structural features that can withstand earthquake tremors. While these physical architectural lessons have been learned and refined over time, the architecture of information systems is an evolving science too. One that can make a significant difference in the performance of your IT systems.

For the debut episode of “The Practitioners,” on Thursday, July 14 at 12 PM ET, I am delighted to announce that Mike Winter, an IBM Distinguished Engineer and the Chief Software Architect for FileNet, is the featured guest.  Mike has been closely connected to the development of FileNet’s acclaimed content management platform for almost 30 years and is in high demand as a consultant for IBM clients who are modernizing their systems, looking to expand into public and private cloud, or need to find ways to improve performance.

Mike Winter, IBM Distinguished Engineer

As many IBM Business Automation users have built their workflows, ECM systems, and records management solutions on top of FileNet, architecture is an important conversation to have.  Especially as more organizations are stepping delicately into the issues of cloud computing.  Recent Automation events have seen questions from attendees that indicate the need for a focus on architecture, such as:

  • Can we store our data on-premises but run our workflow in the cloud?
  • How do we integrate on-premises FileNet with SaaS products like IBM Automation Document Processing?
  • What should we know before we migrate FileNet to the cloud?

Mike will start the session with a brief presentation on FileNet architecture as well as some general Best Practices for Cloud and Hybrid content management. After that, Mike will take your questions. If you’re running FileNet, this is a rare opportunity to pose your questions, based on what you’re doing today or thinking about doing tomorrow. Click here to RSVP.  I hope you’ll join us! 

