Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

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"Think Outside The Bot" - This Build-a-Bot Winner is Using IBM RPA to Drive Hardware

By DAVID Jenness posted Wed May 18, 2022 11:55 AM


The saying is “Think Globally, Act Locally” and it’s a pretty good way to go about things. One of the most creative responses to the IBM Build-a-Bot Challenge was designed and built by Peruvian engineering student Sheynin Yossymar Checmapoco Paucar. Called “Automatic Recognition of Vaccinated People,” and it’s an excellent example of acting locally while thinking globally.

          Yossymar Sheynin

In Peru, everyone who is vaccinated receives a standard Vaccine Card, called a DNI (Nacional Document of Identification), which lists the number of vaccine shots given to the cardholder. Yossymar realized that if he built a device that could read the card, he could create an automated entrance gate to use for restaurants, stadiums and office buildings and significantly cut down on the long lines caused by slow human gatekeepers.  As he sketched out his idea, he added a thermometer to take a temperature reading and a database look-up to check the DNI card data against the national database to verify if it’s authentic.

While most of the submissions to the Build-a-Bot Challenge used IBM RPA to connect and orchestrate automation software to drive a process, Yossymar is using IBM RPA to drive a hardware device. This explains why his entry won “Best Use Of Technology.”  He even built a prototype to show how it might look and operate.

                     The Prototype of Yossymar's RPA-powered Entrance Gate

“As an electrical engineer, I knew I could make the hardware work.  For me the challenge was to learn how to use the RPA software and how databases work,” Yossymar recounted. He dove into the IBM RPA documentation, took some of the video tutorials, and then went to work. In the short video that he submitted to the Build-a-Bot Challenge, you can see how his creation works.

I spent a few minutes interviewing Yossymar, who is yet another example of a student with energy, vision and drive, who pushed himself to learn new things to build something to solve a problem.  He is continuing to work on his invention and looking to partner with a hardware company to take his project to the next step.

