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DBA Public Sector User Group Hosts “Reimagining the Public Sector in the Post Covid World” on Thursday, June 24 at 11 AM ET

By DAVID Jenness posted Thu June 17, 2021 04:19 PM


“There’s $350 Billion flowing to the US states and counties and, if you develop your plan now, you can get your Automation projects funded, but you need to know what you’re doing.” Thus recently announced George Warner, co-founder of the Digital Business Automation Public Sector User Group.

If anyone knows what he’s doing, it’s George, who ran the Content and Process program at New York State for two decades and routinely achieved cost savings better than $100 million a year from Automation. George and the Board of the Public Sector User Group has assembled an impressive agenda for the virtual meeting that begins at 11 AM ET on Thursday, June 24 and runs about two hours.

       George Warner

The session begins with a brand new demo, built by the IBM Technical SWAT team, that features many of the capabilities in the IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation all in one end-to-end application. The use case is onboarding, which can easily be applied to many organizations, especially public sector, and it includes elements from capture, decisions, content, workflow and robotic process automation.

Following that, Lance Adams, who serves as IBM’s DBA lead for Federal customers, will present the strategy and overview behind the IBM Cloud Pak for Automation. He will, in fact, answer the perennial question, “Why do I need an Automation platform?”

And then, roll the drums, the Public Sector User Group will get an exclusive look at the new Watson Orchestrate, the new Digital Labor and Automation Orchestration solution that will soon be available for customers to play with in a virtual "playground.”  You might have heard IBM CEO Arvind Krishna talk about it in his Think keynote. Now you can see it and afterwards, please join the discussion on where you think it might add value to your organization.

But that’s not all.

IBM Automation Document Processing is the new cloud-based, AI-powered document capture and processing solution from IBM Content Services.  It has come a long way in just a year and the Product Manager, Mira Kim, will share an update and show some features.

And finally, George will deliver on his promise of how to get your share of the $350 billion funding available to the U.S. public sector.  It will be a valuable session and you’ll be joining other members of the Public Sector who share your values and concerns.  Don’t miss this one!

When: Thursday June 24, 11 AM ET – 1 PM ET


Just click on the link to join

Add it to your calendar here


Opening and Welcome - George Warner

Demo - DBA end-to-end for Citizen Onboarding - Swapnil Agrawal, IBM SWAT

Why an Automation Platform? - Lance Adams - IBM Fed Lead

Demo - Watson Orchestrate - Salman Sheikh, IBM Product Manager, Watson Orchestrate

Demo – Automation Document Processing – Mira

How To Cost out Your Current Process and Build a Business Case – George Warner

