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Records Managers Have Left The Basement for the Front Lines of Digital Transformation

By DAVID Jenness posted Wed February 03, 2021 08:40 AM


A Records Manager is charged with one essential task for the organization: to ensure that institutional records of historical, fiscal, and legal value are identified and preserved, while also discarding non-essential records according to established legal guidelines. If it sounds simple, it’s gotten more complex in recent years. With Digital Transformation causing increasing amounts of content flowing in from multiple sources in multiple formats, and with new regulations being legislated or changed at a dizzying pace, records management is another formidable information management challenge. 

As the practice of records management has evolved with the times, so has IBM Enterprise Records, a solution built on IBM Content Management (FileNet), which offers a proven solution for large scale records management that assures that content and records remain trusted, accurate and compliant with all regulations. Part of the skill is in identifying what is a legal record and what is not and today, much of that can be automated with IBM’s “Zero Click” Records declaration.

A recent short video offers a succinct primer for Records Managers, showing how a record is managed from creation to disposition, how legal holds can be applied manually or with “sweeps” and how documents and records can be kept secure, with full audit trails, and enforced retention policies.

Even if records management is not in your purview, you’ll learn a lot about how automation and records management can help scale the process and enable an organization the confidence that they are compliant, secure and doing things the right way.

