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The cost of losing productivity in the workplace

By ALAN NUNEZ posted Mon January 09, 2023 09:00 AM

When it comes to productivity, all industries are not created equal. For example, manufacturing has a unique set
of challenges than other industries do. While quality is important in every industry, the health and safety
standards for manufacturing differ from those of retail, for example. However, there are some universal truths
that apply across every workplace regardless of industry:
The cost of not being productive
There are many factors that can contribute to an employee losing their productivity. Some of these include:
  • Stress from their job
  • Work-life balance issues
  • Poor management skills leading to a toxic environment (where employees don't feel empowered)
As such, there are also several costs associated with this loss of productivity. For example:
  • Lost revenue due to unproductive employees is usually the most obvious one — but it is only the tip of the iceberg! It's imperative that you address these issues as soon as possible because they can quickly snowball into even bigger problems like high turnover rates and low morale among your staff members.
How can Human Resources do to help?
The best way to keep your employees focused and productive is to engage them. An engaged employee will feel
motivated to work hard, because they feel like their voice is heard and that they're part of something bigger than
themselves. Engaging your team can be as simple as setting up monthly meetings where employees have an
opportunity to share ideas or concerns with HR, or hosting social events for staff members who don't often
interact with one another face-to-face (like a barbeque).

It's also important for human resources professionals to provide training for employees so they know exactly

what their role is within the company—and what their responsibilities are in regards to productivity. This
ensures that each person knows how he/she can contribute positively toward the overall goal of accomplishing
tasks quickly and correctly.

A culture of productivity leads to a strong workforce
A culture of productivity leads to a strong workforce. In fact, according to the Gallup study, engaged employees
were two and a half times more productive than their counterparts.
Engaged workers are also happier at work and are more loyal to their company. The same study also found that
employees who are actively engaged with their jobs are nearly three times as likely to stay with the company for
an extended period of time as disengaged employees.

Workplace productivity can be improved by engaging employees, and in turn
helps the overall performance of the company

A lot of people think that the only way to improve workplace productivity is by increasing the amount of work

you do in a day. While this is true, it’s important to remember that there are other ways that you can increase
your productivity as well. You should also consider how engaging your employees will impact your company’s
overall performance.

Engaging employees improves employee retention, employee morale and employee satisfaction because it

makes them feel appreciated for their hard work. In turn, this helps create better culture at work; which results in
improved company culture overall!

In conclusion, there’s no question that workplace productivity is a crucial issue for employers. But by
understanding the potential losses and taking steps to improve employee engagement, companies can
significantly reduce those losses. It’s not just about making more money; it’s about building a strong workforce
that will help drive your company in the future—and maybe even save some lives along the way!

