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TRIRIGA Tuesday: The Intersection Between Space & Insights | June 20

  • 1.  TRIRIGA Tuesday: The Intersection Between Space & Insights | June 20

    User Group Leader
    Posted Fri June 02, 2023 03:35 PM
    Edited by Amy Harbst Fri June 02, 2023 03:35 PM

    Hello All, 

    Our June 20th TRIRIGA Tuesday will focus on our Space Management and Building Insights tools. David Stroud from Cisco is one of our guest speakers, along with Samantha O'Neill from IBM Product Management.
    If you (or someone you know) manage spaces, whether they are corporate offices, public spaces or you have hybrid return-to-workplace needs, you are welcome to join us. And, if you've been thinking about a move to automated tracking with sensors or similar, I think you'll find this helpful.
    Webinar starts at noon ET. You can register here

    Amy Harbst
    IBM Sustainability Software - TRIRIGA Business Development
    State College PA
    (717) 421-2303