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  • 1.  TRIRIGA Reporting - Editable Reports

    Posted Thu February 22, 2024 03:27 PM
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    Hi all! We recently added the TRIRIGA reporting license onto our environments late last year. Our users are interested on being able to edit data directly in the reporting UI, similar to how editable queries are used in base product. Has anyone been able to figure out how to edit data in TRIRIGA reporting or is this going to be additional functionality added in a future release? I've attached a screenshot for reference. In this example, users would like to edit the work task dates. Thank you!

    Amy Falkin

  • 2.  RE: TRIRIGA Reporting - Editable Reports

    Posted Fri February 23, 2024 11:49 AM
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    Hey Amy! Congratulations on adding the TRIRIGA Reporting license - looks like you're doing great things with custom columns; color and all! 

    With TRIRIGA Reporting, the only way to edit data is to open the TRIRIGA record directly. Do this by clicking on a row in the report and editing the field within the record itself. Once an edit is made, a quick refresh of the report will show the updated data. Unfortunately being able to edit data in the TRIRIGA Reporting report is not functionality that is supported with this particular tool. 

    However, what you're looking for could be accomplished with a creation from a service called 'TRIRIGA Reporting Custom.' With this service, a Custom writer would make a unique variation of the report (similar to an editable query in TRIRIGA) that could allow users to edit certain fields within the report itself. 

    I've included a quick video of an example Custom report we created that allows the user to edit the description field of a work task.

    The TRIRIGA Reporting Custom service is available through IBM's Lab Services. Let me know if you're interested in chatting more and I can help point you in the right direction!

    Ashley Walter

  • 3.  RE: TRIRIGA Reporting - Editable Reports

    IBM Champion
    Posted Mon February 26, 2024 11:48 AM

    TRIRIGA Advanced Reporting is such a huge improvement over the older "My Reports" tool with its tabular reports and graphs.  Usually, when you start thinking about bulk editing, the use cases tend to get pretty bespoke, requiring not only data validation appropriate for each field type but also rethinking use in the application to ensure any logic that may the forms execute is also enforced when making changes outside of the application.  And then there are other specific business rules to consider and how you want the page to render in a form or portal, and how it should interact with a specific process.

    JLL created "Grid Edit" to address this.  Even in the name, it's a little is a reporting tool in its own right but in my opinion, its strength is in its ability to define a data set then do row and column-sensitive edits on a group of records.  On-screen cues guide what can change, what has been changed but not committed, and what has been committed.

    I'd use TRIRIGA Advanced Reporting for self-service reports and graph creation.  For bulk updates, I'd use a tool like Grid Edit for ad hoc purposes or build in the specific rule-handling for a use case into the appropriate form. 

    Here's a link for anyone wanting to know more about Grid Edit...

    Jim Barlow

    Jim Barlow