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Restricting work order status values in the cloned work order tracking app

  • 1.  Restricting work order status values in the cloned work order tracking app

    Posted Wed April 26, 2023 10:38 AM


    We have a unique requirement of hiding a few work order status values from the cloned work order tracking app (please note that they don't want to it globally - but only for the cloned work order tracking app).

    Previously I handled this using a custom java class for example:

    In that class I did the following:

    public class LBLWOChangeStatusBean extends psdi.webclient.beans.workorder.WOChangeStatusBean
       public MboSetRemote getList(int nRow, String attribute)
                    throws MXException, RemoteException
              String strAppname=this.sessionContext.getCurrentApp().getApp();    
              if (strAppname.equalsIgnoreCase("WOTRACK") ||
                           MboSetRemote currentList=super.getList(nRow,attribute);

    Now based on the criteria specified by the user, I filtered the contents of "currentList" and returned the "currentList" to "getList" method.
                            return currentList; 

    We are now in the cloud and our cloud provider may not like us to have any java customizations.

    Any clue/hint or advice on accomplishing the same using the automation script or anything similar?

    Please help.

    Pankaj Bhide
    Computer Engineer
    Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

  • 2.  RE: Restricting work order status values in the cloned work order tracking app

    Posted Wed April 26, 2023 10:56 AM

    Hi Pankaj,

    I've done this in the past with a Conditional Expression that leverages an Automation Script. This way you can add logic within the script to ensure the additional logic is only evaluated within the apps you want.

    Then you should be able to just reference the Conditional Expression on the Synonym domain entries.

    Tim Ferrill
    Solutions Consultant
    Intelligent Technology Solutions

  • 3.  RE: Restricting work order status values in the cloned work order tracking app

    Posted Wed April 26, 2023 01:41 PM
    Thanks Tim.

    Pankaj Bhide