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Reminder! TRIRIGA Tuesday Mar 7: Mobile Showcase Series, Part One: IBM Solutions

  • 1.  Reminder! TRIRIGA Tuesday Mar 7: Mobile Showcase Series, Part One: IBM Solutions

    User Group Leader
    Posted Fri March 03, 2023 01:28 PM

    Hi All,

    There is still time to register for our March 7 TRIRIGA Tuesday.

    We are doing a two-part TRIRIGA Tuesday series this March, focused on Mobile Solutions. Part one will focus on a full review of existing TRIRIGA options, from requests to work tasks to moves. Traves Peterson will be our featured speaker. You can register here

    Part two will focus on partner solutions on March 28. Stay tuned, as I'll provide that link at the end of our March 7 session. 

    TT Logo

    We hope to see you there! 

    Amy Harbst
    IBM Sustainability Software - TRIRIGA Business Development
    State College PA
    (717) 421-2303
