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Publish Chanel to REST API

  • 1.  Publish Chanel to REST API

    Posted Fri February 14, 2020 06:45 PM
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    I had a use case to post to an external system via REST after an update to an asset. 
    I experimented with using a trigger and automation script but decided using publish channel to REST endpoint would take advantage of Maximo's queueing and retries as well as allow me to extend the use case. 

    I had a hard time pulling together the information so after successfully prototyping the call I decided to document what I had done and post it. Hopefully to get feedback and see if others had done the same and could help improve my approach. 

    Sorry for the sparse documentation but I did try and put it in order of configuration, highlight the important parts and give screenshots.  Id also take constructive feedback on how to improve "guide"

    Chris Schulz


    Pulblish Channel to JSON.pdf   525 KB 1 version