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OCP Resources Requests and Limits Overcommitted Issue on Worker Nodes

  • 1.  OCP Resources Requests and Limits Overcommitted Issue on Worker Nodes

    Posted Wed May 31, 2023 09:43 AM

    Hi Team,
    Resources requests and Limits Overcommitted issue in OCP after Manage deployment. In usage point of view there is no issues, and it will be in within limits but Resources requests and limits crossing 200% and it will cause to stop access application and OCP access.

    1. Why there are predefined Resources (CPU& Memory) requests and limits for each pod of Manage and dependent pods? If it is predefined, Does it considering this sizing in IBM Calculator? 
    2. Due to predefined Resources, all worker nodes running with overcommitted issue. Is there way to change limits outside of pods because pods will recreate when reconciliations executed?

    Ramakrishnudu Kayala