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Maximo Mobile for EAM/MAS - Enhance value format of Barcode Scan

  • 1.  Maximo Mobile for EAM/MAS - Enhance value format of Barcode Scan

    Posted 25 days ago


    We are now evaluating the new Maximo Mobile 8.11, mainly for using Inventory functionalities.

    In the Count Books application, is it possible to manipulate the scanner button
    to scan a more complex value format instead of just the item number?

    For example items in storeroom are QR coded and labeled as follows <itemnum>_<Storeroom>_<binnum>_<conditioncode> (e.g. 11430_main_11A_NEW).
    So when counting items, the scanning will be able to map the scanned label to the exact item in the relevant storeroom/bin/condcode combination.

    Jacob Massa

  • 2.  RE: Maximo Mobile for EAM/MAS - Enhance value format of Barcode Scan

    IBM Champion
    Posted 25 days ago

    Hi Jacob,

    Is your QRCode encoding the values <itemnum>_<Storeroom>_<binnum>_<conditioncode>? If so, you can try creating a new function on AppCustomizations.js to handle the reading of your QRCode.

    On your app.xml, you can search for the field and change the on-scan property-something like below.

    <barcode-button on-scan="myHandleBarcodeScan" timeout="30" label="ScanBarcode"/>

    On your JS file, you use.

    async myHandleBarcodeScan(event) {
        let values = event.value.split("_");
        //values[0] -> itemnum
        //values[1] -> storeroom
       // etc
       // Then, you can use the values to search on your datasource.
       let ds ='DSNAME');
       ds.setQBE('itemnum', '=', values[0]);
       ds.setQBE('storeroom', '=', values[1]);
       // etc
       await ds.searchQBE();

    If this post helps, please consider accepting it as a solution to help other members find it more quickly.

    Maycon Belfort
    BPD Zenith