Maximo User Group - UK & Ireland

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  • 1.  Materials Management - Inside or Out?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Wed July 14, 2021 03:37 AM
    Hi all,

    We have some good discussions in the last user group meetings. One for me was materials management.

    We currently use SAP to manage our materials with a plan to further integrate the systems. What is the trend in the community, do you carry out materials management within Maximo or like us, do it outside with some integration?

    What has worked well and what lessons have you learned?


    Kenneth McAneaney
    NIE Networks

  • 2.  RE: Materials Management - Inside or Out?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Thu July 15, 2021 04:51 AM
    Edited by Jonathan Nichols Thu July 15, 2021 04:52 AM

    Hi Kenny

    We're currently working on 2 different Maximo/SAP integrations; one client prefers to handle all procurement in SAP and mirror the information into Maximo through integration, Our other client, on the other hand, prefers to Manage materials in Maximo and send the usage to SAP... not exactly a trend there!
    Early days really for lessons learnt but happy to help if we can...


    Jonathan Nichols

    BPD Zenith

  • 3.  RE: Materials Management - Inside or Out?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Fri July 16, 2021 03:17 AM
    Thanks Johnny,

    Have you found that this is based mostly on historic usage i.e. if they used SAP historically to manage materials then they tend to stick with it?


    Kenneth McAneaney
    Plant Maintenance Delivery Engineer
    NIE Networks

  • 4.  RE: Materials Management - Inside or Out?

    Posted Fri July 16, 2021 03:33 AM
    Hi Kenny

    We used Maximo for Inventory control highly successfully in our implementations in the Middle East (ADNOC Group, ADWEA, KNPC, etc.).  These implementations mostly used Oracle eBusiness suite for Financials.  We have also used Maximo for Inventory control in a number of major UK clients with either SAP or eBusiness as the ERP.

    The scenario certainly works well, but you will need to make some hard decisions about which system masters what information.  Basically, the more functionality that is done in Maximo, the simpler the number of integration points with SAP.

    I am happy to have a chat about this with you.

    Tony Turner

  • 5.  RE: Materials Management - Inside or Out?

    Posted Thu July 15, 2021 07:27 AM
    I've worked with both scenarios for several years, and personally I found the Maximo-SAP split to be least user friendly for the people trying to actually order the items, which begs the question of who is the system for?
    Having had the opportunity to rebuild, we now master our stock​ in Maximo using pretty much the out of the box functionality.  This allows users to see more data than when SAP was the master e.g. if stock has a replenishment order in play it can be seen via the Stock Availability view.  We can also attach images to the master.  As these are blob files it may be possible to integrate them.  Maximo is of course more flexible too so there are many options available to customise if required.
    The stock reorder process in Maximo again works pretty well - it relies on your data being correct of course, and users understanding exactly how the reorder logic works.
    PRs and POs as well as contracts are also mastered in Maximo which allows a very joined up process.  PO and receipt data is sent to SAP where the finance side is dealt with but personally that's as much as I'm comfortable with.


    Brian Williams
    Maximo System Administrator
    Ineos FPS

  • 6.  RE: Materials Management - Inside or Out?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Fri July 16, 2021 03:23 AM
    Hi Brian,

    What was the dataset like to translate for Maximo? Was it pretty much one to one for fields or did you have many to configure. I appreciate for every organisation it will be slightly different.
    We are doing a bit of a rebuild of Maximo ourselves and it is always good to hear what others are doing.


    Kenneth McAneaney
    NIE Networks

  • 7.  RE: Materials Management - Inside or Out?

    Posted Fri July 16, 2021 04:06 AM
    Kenny - we rebuilt as a result of a divestment of assets, and so some data mapping was more challenging than others.
    For stock data this was relatively straightforward, as the key fields for both ITEM and INVENTORY (including costs etc) were similar and were a straight mapping, however it is important to know how Maximo works when migrating.  For inventory, the mapping was written with a Maximo 4.1.1 mindset, whilst it was going into  This meant that reorder points and economic order units, and their place in the reorder process were not understood at the time.  This led to major issues with running this report and required a bit of rework of the data for the 7000 lines of stock held to make this work correctly.  An example was minimum level for reordering - this is the figure that the balance falls below in 4.1.1., whereas since approx. 2004 this has been the level the balance reaches.  Get that wrong and the reorder will try and reorder far more than it needs to. 
    If this was purely a Maximo - Maximo migration this probably would not have happened. 
    Where we did have issues was the inability to take previous PO history, and set stock usage​ figures.  Several years in we now have the last three years of data to use, but still no record of when (or why) we bought some stock.  We are working through it but as time passes memories fade and people retire.  Stock management is often seen as the Cinderella part of Maximo, but my view is that if it was important enough to buy in the first place, it is important enough to hold clean data on.

    With divestments there are always some politics at play, and knowledge sharing may not always be as open as it should be - certainty something to be aware of for anyone involved in a change like this, and getting the right people in the right meetings is crucial.  The second challenge is ensuring that those responsible for a certain area understand the new functionality and test it thoroughly!

    Brian Williams
    Maximo System Administrator
    Ineos FPS