Maximo Integration and Scripting

  • 1.  MAS UI session issue

    Posted Wed April 10, 2024 09:37 AM

    Hi All,

    I have a custom scenario. ie: we have custom application "Catalog PR". in that application we have a push button " GoTo Catalog", this button will open an external webpage(.aspx) in separate tab(next to MAS). 

    In that custom webpage(catMaster) users can choose items and submit those purchase items to catalog bucket. once we submitted the bucket, the  tab(catMaster) will be closed automatically.

    we have an issue here, at the same time our Maximo(MAS) ui session also automatically closed and routed to signin page(MAS).

    any one knows how to control the UI session while closing a custom separate tab. pls any help will be appreciated.


    Karthik Krishnamurthy

  • 2.  RE: MAS UI session issue

    Posted Thu April 11, 2024 09:14 AM


    How do you close that additional tab?

    Is there some script involved, what are the relevant lines?

    Juris Flugins

  • 3.  RE: MAS UI session issue

    Posted Mon April 15, 2024 10:37 AM

    Does your submit button (which appears to be closing the browser tab) also invalidate the session id?  Take a close look at you browser logs and your http logs (server side) to see if the session id is being cancelled.  If so, that might explain the main MAS tab kicking you back to login.

    Bradley K. Downing , MBA
    Senior Solution Architect
    Bakersfield CA

  • 4.  RE: MAS UI session issue

    Posted Thu June 13, 2024 09:25 AM


    actually we are integrating with Wallmedian OCI for procurement.

    1. initially we are having launch in context. It will open a seperate tab that will route to CatMaster.jsp(it collects properties from maximo and create a html form and send it to next jsp file)

    2. punchOutRequest.jsp is the second file, it will create a &USERID&_&SYSTIMESTAMP&.txt file under COS bucket and will login into catMaster.Aspx page.

    3. once the purchase done, user have to submit the items and close the tab. that time submit.aspx returns the purchased items in html forms data. that response html form data send back to /maximo/login/punchoutResponse.jsp file.

    4. punchoutResponse.jsp file will open the created &USERID&_&SYSTIMESTAMP&.txt file from COS bucket and update the same file with purchased items data.

    in this time maximo.jsp kicked out all the session, we can see x-refresh-token is invalidating at this time.


    1. we are using <script>window.close()</script> to close the CatMaster page.
    2. we pushed JSESSIONIDUI and other tokens through parameters, it won't work.

    is there any other way or any suggestions for this automation? please let us know ur thoughts.


    Karthik Krishnamurthy

    Karthik Krishnamurthy