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M365 Integration in 4.5.3 | Room Reservation

  • 1.  M365 Integration in 4.5.3 | Room Reservation

    Posted 13 days ago
    Edited by Edwin Premkumar David 12 days ago

    Hello - 

    We are in the process of upgrading the platform from 3.8 to 4.5.3 where we are facing issues in connecting to M365.  As part of the reservation module there is a feature to syncup the reservation to mailbox in M365. Prior to 4.3 this communication was happening over EWS and now this is using GraphAPI. 


    Root cause: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org/apache/axiom/soap/SOAPBody.getSAXResult()Ljavax/xml/transform/sax/SAXResult; (loaded from file:/D:........../org.apache.axis2.jar

    by org.eclipse.osgi.internal.baseadaptor.DefaultClassLoader@9d9f7bd5[org.apache.axis2:7.0.0(id=275)]) called from class (loaded from file:/D:/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/.........../IBM-TRIRIGA_Build-400252.ear/ibm-tririga.war/WEB-INF/lib/spring-ws-core-3.1.3.jar by[war:IBM-TRIRIGA_Build-400252/ibm-tririga.war]

    Local ClassPath: .....................


       Delegation Mode: PARENT_FIRST

       Library Class Loader:[PL][library:TRIRIGAOverride]

       Library Class Loader:[PL][library:TRIRIGA_IBM_ICU4_8_1_1]).[MID-3086986130]


    • spring-ws-core-3.1.3.jar is trying to load the class org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPBody and WebSphere is providing that class from org.apache.axis2.jar. This is a outdated jar which does not have getSAXResult() method.
    • Ideally the JVM should be loading SOAPBody class from axiom-api-1.4.0.jar which is part of the 4.5.3 TRIRIGA lib. 


    1. Following the general & recommended practice we tried to resolve the conflict by placing the axiom-api-1.4.0.jar & axiom-impl-1.4.0.jar in the TRIRIGAOverride library; which resulted in error below - 


    Caused by: java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError

          at ~[org.apache.axis2.jar:?]

          at<init>( ~[org.apache.axis2.jar:?]

          at org.apache.axiom.soap.impl.builder.StAXSOAPModelBuilder.<init>( ~[org.apache.axis2.jar:?]

          at ~[spring-ws-core-3.1.3.jar:?]

          at ~[spring-ws-core-3.1.3.jar:?]

          at ~[spring-ws-core-3.1.3.jar:?]

          at ~[spring-ws-core-3.1.3.jar:?]

          at ~[spring-ws-core-3.1.3.jar:?]

          at ~[spring-ws-core-3.1.3.jar:?]

          at ~[spring-ws-core-3.1.3.jar:?]

          at ~[spring-ws-core-3.1.3.jar:?]

          at com.tririga.platform.ews.ExchangeServiceImpl.send( ~[ibm-tririga.jar:?]

          at com.tririga.platform.ews.ExchangeServiceImpl.getFolderId( ~[ibm-tririga.jar:?]

          at com.tririga.platform.ews.ExchangeServiceImpl.getCalendarFolderId( ~[ibm-tririga.jar:?]

          at com.tririga.platform.ews.ExchangeServiceImpl.createAppointmentInternal( ~[ibm-tririga.jar:?]

          at com.tririga.platform.ews.ExchangeServiceImpl.createAppointment( ~[ibm-tririga.jar:?]

          at com.tririga.platform.msgraph.MicrosoftAdapter.createAppointment( ~[ibm-tririga.jar:?] 

    Explanation - Cont: 

    • The previous issue was resolved but we got a new error. This time as well JVM tried to load StAXOMBuilder class from org.apache.axis2.jar instead of the overridden library axiom-api-1.4.0.jar. The reason is StAXOMBuilder is not available in axiom-api-1.4.0.jar.
    • When analyzed further, it looks like spring-ws-core-3.1.3.jar is compatible with axiom-api-1.2.20 and not 1.4.0 version. 

    Attempt #2:

    • We attempted to use the axiom-api-1.2.20.jar and axiom-impl-1.2.20.jar as override jars which resulted in fatal error where the application wont startup.


    2024-09-27 15:09:39,511 ERROR [com.tririga.web.servlet.SpringWebInitServlet](server.startup : 2) ERROR BeansException initializing Spring Application Context

    org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'versionService' defined in class path resource [com/tririga/platform/spring/upgrade.xml]: BeanPostProcessor before instantiation of bean failed; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Class '' is not an @AspectJ aspect

    Why is this a problem in 4.5.3 and not the prior versions? 

    Looks like it's all related to the below update in 4.3. 

    Unless IBM had axiom-api-1.2.20.jar or supported lower version in their workspace, wonder how this testing would have passed. (prior to 4.3, axiom-api-1.2.11.jar was part of the WAR)

    I did lookup the 5.0 release notes and was not finding any fixes related to this or M365 integration in general. I did submit a PMR and waiting for a call. 

    Did anyone face this issue or have any suggestions that we could try.? 

    Edwin David