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  • 1.  IBM Tririga BIRT Eclipse plugin issue

    Posted Fri March 31, 2023 10:44 AM

    Hello everyone!

    I'm currently facing an issue with IBM Tririga BIRT Eclipse plugin where I cannot connect to the application server from Eclipse.
    The plugin bundle version that I'm using is 1.0.1.v202205252227, so my main question: what is the latest version of this plugin?

    If there is an updated version, can it be downloaded as archive or is the point to update site the only way of plugin distribution/installation method?

    From my digging, while trying to solve the issue, it appears that IBM forgot to update Bundle-ClassPath value in the jar manifest, when they updated log4j to version 2, which has two jar files instead of one.

    It reads: Bundle-ClassPath: .,lib/commons-io.jar,lib/log4j.jar,lib/rowset.jar
    When it should read: Bundle-ClassPath: .,lib/commons-io.jar,lib/log4j-core.jar,lib/log4j-api.jar,lib/rowset.jar

    This is causing an issue where plugin cannot find a class and fails to connect to Tririga.

    We are "recently" switch from on-premises to cloud hosted version of Tririga and it has that particular version of plugin.


    Sergey Kaplun

  • 2.  RE: IBM Tririga BIRT Eclipse plugin issue

    Posted Mon April 17, 2023 04:10 PM

    Hi Sergey,

    I am also facing the same issue. Do you happen to find a solution for this, or any workaround possible? 


    Bruce Wong

  • 3.  RE: IBM Tririga BIRT Eclipse plugin issue

    Posted Tue April 18, 2023 09:53 AM

    Hi Bruce,

    You should definitely open a ticket with IBM support (the more people complain the faster they will fix it).
    Until IBM permanently fixes it, you can try the following:

    1. Exit\Close all BIRT Eclipse instances.
    2. Take the backup of the existing com.tririga.platform.birt.remote_1.0.1.v202205252227.jar from '\eclipse\plugins\' folder to any local folder.
    3. Open com.tririga.platform.birt.remote_1.0.1.v202205252227.jar with any zip app (7-zip, WinZip, etc.) and edit MANIFEST file with correct ClassPath.
    4. Save corrected jar with the same name (Note: This will break IBM signature).
    5. Copy & Replace the '\eclipse\plugins\com.tririga.platform.birt.remote_1.0.1.v202205252227.jar' with the new jar.
    6. Clean open Eclipse by going to command prompt, cd to eclipse and running the command 'eclipse -clean'.
    7. On IBM TRIRIGA BIRT Preference page, remove the existing credentials and retype it again.  
    8. Attempt to connect to TRIRIGA again from Eclipse and it should connect and show below message. If its failing again with error message like 'An Error Occurred. Contact your System Administrator. – [MID-2406107507]', attempt to close the eclipse and repeat from step #5.

    I was also fortunate to have a separate TRIRIGA instance that had an older version of this plugin, which still uses single log4j file, and used it to obtain the plugin, but the steps outlined above also worked for me.

    Good luck! 

    Sergey Kaplun

  • 4.  RE: IBM Tririga BIRT Eclipse plugin issue

    Posted Tue April 18, 2023 10:52 AM

    Hi Sergey, Thank you for getting back to me. I updated the Manifest too after I saw your initial post and it worked like a charm! Thanks!

    Bruce Wong

  • 5.  RE: IBM Tririga BIRT Eclipse plugin issue

    Posted Wed August 23, 2023 10:15 AM

    This worked like a charm. Our reports development had come to a standstill due to this issue.

    IBM Support refuse to acknowledge that it was an issue with their plugin. They wanted us to work with Eclipse team to see if they can help.

    Vikram Hebbar