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  • 1.  Filter Retrieval list of Items at PR line

    Posted Mon April 17, 2023 10:46 AM

    Hello , 

    I need to filter the ITEM list in the PR line level based on the value selected in the Vendor field at the PR level . I am using a Attribute launch point with the "Retrieve list" list event and below is the code that I am using . 

    owner = mbo.getOwner()
    if owner.getString("VENDOR"):
        itemSet = mbo.getMboSet("ITEM")
        itemSet.setWhere("VENDOR = '" + owner.getString("VENDOR")+ "'")

    I understand that VENDOR is not a field in the ITEM object and exists in the INVVENDOR object but I am not sure how to write the sql here so that the itemset gets filtered based on the Vendor field which exists in the INVVENDOR . Any help is appreciated. 

    Naveen Yadav

  • 2.  RE: Filter Retrieval list of Items at PR line

    Posted Mon April 17, 2023 10:55 AM
    Can I ask what led to this requirement?  Because out of the box, the user has the Vendor Items button on the PR Line tab available, which will give them that list.

  • 3.  RE: Filter Retrieval list of Items at PR line

    Posted Mon April 17, 2023 12:24 PM

    So the Vendor is a mandatory field that needs to be filled while creating a PR (for integration purposes). So they want that once the user has selected the Vendor at PR level then at the PR line level the item list should be automatically filtered for that Vendor. 

    Naveen Yadav

  • 4.  RE: Filter Retrieval list of Items at PR line

    Posted Tue April 18, 2023 04:35 PM

    Hi Naveen,

    You can use the following code piece. listWhere is the implicit variable to be used with retrieve list event. The where clause below is inspired from Vendor Items button. 

    from psdi.mbo import SqlFormat

    ownerMbo = mbo.getOwner()
    if ownerMbo is not None and ownerMbo.isBasedOn("PR") and not ownerMbo.isNull("VENDOR"):
        whereClause = "(itemnum, itemsetid) in (select itemnum, itemsetid from invvendor where vendor = :vendor and orgid = :orgid and (siteid = :siteid or siteid is null) and itemnum not in (select itemnum from item where status not in (select value from synonymdomain where domainid ='ITEMSTATUS' and maxvalue in ('ACTIVE','PLANNING','PENDOBS'))))"
        sqlf = SqlFormat(ownerMbo, whereClause)
        listWhere = sqlf.format()
