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Exporting Data in Ad Hoc Report difficulty

  • 1.  Exporting Data in Ad Hoc Report difficulty

    Posted Fri August 04, 2023 02:38 PM


    I am new to this community and I am new to using Maximo.  I have used other CMMS systems and have familiarity with running around in them but not an expert!  I don't know if this is the correct platform to address my issue on but I stumbled upon this place trying to educate myself on the reporting feature of ad hoc reporting in Maximo.  

    End goal:  I want a report that allows me to pull in multiple fields and export that data to excel for further analysis.  I have watched Pam Denny's fantastic videos of the ad hoc reporting features and it has helped me greatly in starting to be able to make reports. 

    What it does is create a new data set for that field "Craft" for every record in my filter.  I cannot get the data from the "Craft field to export together with the original data set

    You can see where the "Craft" field is on a data set off its own and in fact there are 52 records in my report and it created a new data set for each record with the "Craft" filed in in

    With being new to Maximo, I do not know if this is something I am doing wrong or a limitation of the Ad Hoc Reporting, or if maybe there is another way for me to do this.

    Again, I apologize if this is the wrong platform for me to be asking for help but I thought I would try as I need help.

    Thank you  - Barry

    Barry Londrigan

  • 2.  RE: Exporting Data in Ad Hoc Report difficulty

    Posted Fri August 04, 2023 03:05 PM

    Well, I see in my infinite computer skills while editing I must have deleted a paragraph or two so let me fill in the gap.

    The Problem:  I make my filter on the work order screen.   -- Go to Create Report  - Preview Report - and can easily then Export Date into a csv file to manipulate the data.  Easy enough.  But if I go to the Content tab and add any field that turns the report into a "Detailed Report"  and then try to go through the process of Exporting Data, any of the fields that turn the report into a Detailed Report will not be in the same Data Set for exporting all of the data together.  

    For instance, I wanted to add the "Craft" field to my report data from the "Planned Labor" category.  It turns the report into a Detailed Report and then keeps the Craft field separate when trying to export all my data.  As example, I  had 52 records in my filter....and Exporting Data mad 52 separate Data Sets just for each record for this craft field.  

    This would be the same problem for many other report I would want.  For instance Downtime to include Regular Hours from the Actual Labor category would cause the same issue.  

    Not sure what I am doing wrong or if it is a limitation...

    Barry Londrigan

  • 3.  RE: Exporting Data in Ad Hoc Report difficulty

    Posted Tue August 08, 2023 06:36 AM

    Is it possible that someone might know and could just tell me what I am looking to do - Is it possible or am I barking up the wrong tree?

    Also, I am new to Maximo.  I keep seeing posts on Cognos.  Is this something that is an add on that needs to be purchased?  Nobody here at our company has heard of it.  Perhaps this "program" will allow me to do what I am looking to do?

    Barry Londrigan

  • 4.  RE: Exporting Data in Ad Hoc Report difficulty

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue August 22, 2023 09:24 AM

    Hello Barry,  I didn't saw any answer to my previous post.  Is your question still  pending ?

    Best regards

    Nicolas DESCAMPS
    Cognos Expert with Maximo knowledge


  • 5.  RE: Exporting Data in Ad Hoc Report difficulty

    Posted Thu August 24, 2023 09:59 AM


    I am sorry but I do not see your previous post!?  I greatly appreciate you replying to my post here.  I am still trying to work through the issue and if possible I would like to see what you had previously posted.  

    Kind regards


    Barry Londrigan

  • 6.  RE: Exporting Data in Ad Hoc Report difficulty

    IBM Champion
    Posted Wed August 30, 2023 05:26 PM

    Hello Barry,   fyi  we have a good experience in the delivery of Cognos reporting for Maximo with and integrated solution allowing fast data modelization  making Cognos easy to use for end users. It also enable data exploration for advanced users.

    Best regards


    Nicolas DESCAMPS
    Data Accelerator Founder & CEO
    Cognos & Data modelisation expert
    Paris - France

  • 7.  RE: Exporting Data in Ad Hoc Report difficulty

    Posted Thu August 24, 2023 10:30 AM


    I found your email and replied

    Thank you

    Barry Londrigan

  • 8.  RE: Exporting Data in Ad Hoc Report difficulty

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue August 22, 2023 11:13 AM

    Barry - 

    Hi.  I'm sorry for the delay in response.   Below please find responses to your questions - if I've missed any - please let me know.

    1. On exporting the data - you are correct in using the 'Export Report' button as you noted above.
    2. When you note that if you add any field (ex. Craft from Planned Labor) - it turns the report into a Detail report -- there are a few more items to consider.   
      1.  Planned Labor is a child object of Workorder with Multiple Cardinality (1:N) meaning that multiple planned labor records can exist for a single record.  So in this case - Maximo forces the report to be a Detail report.   And exporting a Detail report to xls/pdf - each individual record (WO #) is shown on a unique page or worksheet.
      2. If you add a field from a child object where the cardinality is single (1:1) like Asset or Job Plan, the report would stay as a list report.  And list reports export to a single sheet in xls.
    3. If you are interested in more details on QBR (Ad Hoc) Reporting, here are 2 docs that may be helpful to you
      1. QBR Reporting Worksheet (Contains Business Rules including the Style questions you are having) at
      2. QBR Reporting Guide:  Document detailing the functionality                                                                     
    4. Additionally, you asked about Cognos.  Depending on the specific Maximo version you are using, along with how your Maximo environment is deployed, there may be entitlement for Cognos Analytics without the need to purchase Cognos licenses.   For example, if you are on Maximo or higher, and have an on-prem deployment, there is entitlement to Cognos 11.0.13 as noted here.   It is difficult to say if Cognos will solve your problem or not.   Other options that may be simpler to test include Application Exporting (Export large volumes of data to csv)
      1. This video details how you can export large volumes of Maximo data  (Note:  This video uses the Maximo data export for Cognos - but you could simply use the data export for analysis in xls)

    Thank you.

    Pam Denny

    Pam Denny
    Maven Asset Management

  • 9.  RE: Exporting Data in Ad Hoc Report difficulty

    Posted Tue August 22, 2023 04:12 PM



    Thank you very much for your reply.  I am sifting through it all and trying to make something work but I will admit, I am struggling.  I will try to put my thoughts together and reply more intelligently but in the meantime, it looks like we are off by one number for Cognos entitlement?  Anything we can do about it?


    Thank you





  • 10.  RE: Exporting Data in Ad Hoc Report difficulty

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue August 22, 2023 05:10 PM

    Barry - 

    Hi.  With your Maximo Version (Maximo - you are still entitled to Cognos - just a different version.   Maximo entitles you to Cognos 11.0.11.  

    To find information on this entitlement - go to the 'Library' Tab of this community - and under the 'Main Folder' there is a file called 'Maximo Report Reference Documents and Video Recordings'.  Download that file - and it will give you 2 worksheets with Cognos demos and documentation.

    Please note however, that installing and configuring Cognos to work with Maximo can be a complex and time-consuming task.

    If you are simply looking to export data from Maximo - I would encourage you first to try Application Exporting (App Export).  With App Export - there are no installs, integrations or configurations requried.

    Please email me direct if you have any more questions.

    Thank you -

    Pam Denny

    Pam Denny
    Maven Asset Management

  • 11.  RE: Exporting Data in Ad Hoc Report difficulty

    Posted Wed August 23, 2023 06:51 AM

    Thank you Pam,


    That is interesting to know!!  Thank you for this information.


    Is Application Exporting part of what your links are or is this something different?  I would be happy to try this as it is exporting data as to what I am looking for.    Your help is truly appreciated! as I am trying to stay afloat in all aspects of my job and if I can get the data I need assembled from either a mass export or maybe there is another way..?  Perhaps this App Exp.. is what I need.  I will get a better detailed explanation of what I am trying to do.  I don't want to take up too much of your time!