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  • 1.  Error in Application Designer using "GOTO" applications

    Posted Mon May 22, 2023 05:23 AM


    I have an application AMSEMPLOYEE it has a "Contract no" textbox fields with "Go to Applications" property as to go to the AMSCONTRACT application.

    But when user select Go To: AMS - MAIN CONTRACT the following error comes up:

    mohammad moula


  • 2.  RE: Error in Application Designer using "GOTO" applications

    Posted Tue May 23, 2023 01:44 AM

    Error itself is self-explanatory. You need to add the maxlookupmap entries on the attributes where you have attached a table domain. Check these attributes and see where you have added a table domain and add maxlookupmap entries. Do a server restart post this.

    Suhas Joshi

  • 3.  RE: Error in Application Designer using "GOTO" applications

    Posted Tue May 23, 2023 05:13 AM
    Thanks ...

    I already have that lokup defined but it seems still asking which one of the primary
    key at the target object is chosen ?

  • 4.  RE: Error in Application Designer using "GOTO" applications

    Posted Wed May 24, 2023 11:05 AM
    1. On the Attributes tab of the Database Information application, select the attribute for which you want to specify details.
    2. Click Edit Lookup Map.
    3. Click New Row.
    4. Specify the following details for the target attribute:
      • In the Target Attribute field, select the attribute to which you want to return values.
      • In the Source Object field, specify the source from which values are returned.
      • In the Source Key field, specify the key of the source object from which you want to return values.
      • In the Sequence field, specify a numeric value to determine the attributes that are to be set before other attributes. A lower numeric value has priority over a higher numeric value.
    5. Optional: Select the Allow Null check box if you want the target attribute to accept null values.
    6. Click OK

    mohammad alshaar