IBM doesn't officially support any .css changes however I may put a future IDEA request in to allow a customer custome.css file.
I'm building a custom app in Maximo and there are specific color requirements that don't match the Maximo style that I'm going to be using for display rules. I want to make sure this is future proof and don't want to add to the maximo.css as this get overwritten during upgrades/fix packs/etc.
Display rules for a table. (E.G)
<displayrule id="results_showlist_rule" dataattribute="IN_APPR_GROUP.ISAPPROVER">
<exact id="results_showlist_rule1" value="Y" classname="custom_color"/>
I need to create styles that will be accessible through conditional expressions and display rules.
Where can I create/link to a custom .css file ? What are your thoughts on a best practice on where/how to do this.
My inital thought is to create a custom.css file in \IBM\SMP\maximo\applications\maximo\maximouiweb\webmodule\webclient\skins\mobile\iot18\css
and just import it into the in the maximo.css file
@import url("custom.css");
Thanks have a great weekend.
Ryan Medernach
Application Support
MEG Energy
Calgary AB