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Additional information in the Installing and configuring Maximo Mobile 8.10 for EAM guide?

  • 1.  Additional information in the Installing and configuring Maximo Mobile 8.10 for EAM guide?

    Posted Fri June 09, 2023 10:18 PM


    Been looking in to the guide for 8.9 & 8,10 and I believe chapter 7 missing some information around the "new" inventpry applications.We got some issues when loading data to the mobile as we where missing read in an OS. 

    In Chap 7 the work mgmt apps are described i.e. Table 9 that will guide you in how to set up Maximo OS security. (Technician and Approvals applications object structures, query information, and security authorizations) also the function to apply  "Manage / Apply template." - "Object Structure Authorization" is empty under Security groups. Or is that part only used for Work Centers?

    // Patrik

    Patrik Nilsson

  • 2.  RE: Additional information in the Installing and configuring Maximo Mobile 8.10 for EAM guide?

    Posted Sat June 10, 2023 02:12 AM

    Hi Patrik,

    I'm also thinking that Inventory Counting application should be described in chapter 7 as well as other apps. However please observed that you have this app specified in chapter 6 Table 7 - "Data downloaded by the c APIs". According to this table app needs access to these object structures:








    If it comes to the template I think it's not only for Work Centers. You can read about it in chapter 6 "Defining security privileges for Maximo Mobile role-based applications".


    Bartosz Marchewka

  • 3.  RE: Additional information in the Installing and configuring Maximo Mobile 8.10 for EAM guide?

    Posted Sat June 10, 2023 09:57 AM
    Edited by Patrik Nilsson Sat June 10, 2023 12:39 PM

    Bartosz, you are right forgot table 7, All applications should be mentioned. and if no requrements in setup state that so we know instead of spending hrs to look for info all over internet. Maybe. chat gpt will take care of the config soon, but until then :-)

    Patrik Nilsson

  • 4.  RE: Additional information in the Installing and configuring Maximo Mobile 8.10 for EAM guide?

    Posted Mon June 12, 2023 08:52 AM

    8.8 & 8.9 we were missing the security template for inventory counting but it should exist in 8.10 or higher along with the new receiving application. I am sorry this was missing on your version because it is a bit of a pain to figure out without looking at the app.xml for the application. 

    Steven Shull

  • 5.  RE: Additional information in the Installing and configuring Maximo Mobile 8.10 for EAM guide?

    Posted Mon June 12, 2023 10:30 AM

    That is correct Steven. ICMOBILE security template for Inventory Counting app exists in 8.10 version.

    For new Inventory Receiving app it's IRMOBILE template.

    Bartosz Marchewka

  • 6.  RE: Additional information in the Installing and configuring Maximo Mobile 8.10 for EAM guide?

    Posted Fri August 11, 2023 12:33 PM

    Hi Steven,

    Could you please clarify the folder structure which we should verify in Maximo root folder to conclude a successful installation on Maximo mobile for EAM 8.10 with Maximo

    We have seen that "applications\maximo\maxmobile" folder structure for Maximo Mobile for EAM 8.8 version. Should that be the same for Mobile 8.10 as well?

    Checking the same since we are facing the issue like "Unable to connect" to Maximo using MAF configuration application.

    Also would like to understand if Hyper-V feature and nested virtualization is mandatory for the Mobile for EAM 8.10 to connect using MAF.



    Bincy Jose Maximo Consultant

  • 7.  RE: Additional information in the Installing and configuring Maximo Mobile 8.10 for EAM guide?

    Posted Fri August 11, 2023 12:58 PM
    Edited by Steven Shull Fri August 11, 2023 01:00 PM

    The applications/maximo/maxmobile directory structure was related to the WAR we had in 8.7 and earlier versions. Starting in 8.8 that was removed. If you had upgraded from earlier versions there was a manual step required to remove it (since we're just extracting a zip over the install). Removing the mobile web module from Maximo Mobile 8.8 . The only purpose of this WAR was to download the MOBILELOGIN application since that needed to be downloaded without authentication. We instead enhanced our REST API to support retrieving this application without the need for a WAR.

    Unable to connect could be a variety of things. The first thing to check is to ensure you're using the properly formatted URL. It should look something like (or if you use an alternative context to /maximo use that). You should not have anything after /maximo and need to include the /maximo. Earlier versions of the configuration utility would automatically add /maximo so you could get away with just providing the domain. But we changed this around the 8.8 timeline (can't remember if it was 8.8 or 8.9) to support users with other contexts than /maximo. 

    Assuming it is not the issue above, the docker container will often log useful information. For example, if you have a self-signed SSL certificate or one that isn't trusted by the docker container you will need to disable SSL validation by setting the NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED environment variable. We documented that here: Running the Docker image

    Other things to check are to ensure that your docker container can connect to the server. If you need a VPN to access the application for example, your VPN may not allow traffic from the container. Or you may have issues resolving the DNS and need to use IP address instead.

    Once you're able to connect, make sure the system property mxe.oslc.webappurl is set correctly. I see customers that have this as the default localhost or have refreshed a lower environment without updating it. Some of our actions (such as duplicating an application) will use this URL and will fail if it's not set correctly. 

    Steven Shull

  • 8.  RE: Additional information in the Installing and configuring Maximo Mobile 8.10 for EAM guide?

    Posted Mon August 14, 2023 03:51 PM

    Hi Steven,

    What is the purpose of Hyper V or WSL cause we can login without enabling these services too via docker

    Can we continue to use MAF application for mobile in docker container without enabling Hyper V or  WSL?

    Karishma Patil

    karishma patil

  • 9.  RE: Additional information in the Installing and configuring Maximo Mobile 8.10 for EAM guide?

    Posted Mon August 14, 2023 04:04 PM

    WSL2 is the recommended path to running docker on Windows 10/11. If you have docker running directly on Windows (IE not on a VM) you need to have Hyper V or WSL2 enabled. This wiki explains both for installing Docker Desktop on Windows ( ). If you install docker desktop, it will automatically configure this for you so you may not be aware that it's there.

    Our containers don't depend on Hyper-V or WSL2 but you need a fully functional docker environment that supports Linux containers (not just Windows containers like some versions of Windows Server support). 

    Steven Shull

  • 10.  RE: Additional information in the Installing and configuring Maximo Mobile 8.10 for EAM guide?

    Posted Fri October 13, 2023 10:53 AM

    Hi Steven,

    For WSL2, I was trying to configure .wslconfig file for increasing memory allocation for docker desktop. We have 32 GB RAM in the system.

    By default, docker desktop shows that it can make use of 15GB maximum.

    So in order to increase that, I created .wslconfig file and put it in user profile directory (C:/users/username/).

    In .wslconfig file, I mentioned the detail as below:


    After saving the .wslconfig file, I restarted docker, rebooted the machine, but docker desktop still shows that it can only use 15GB only.

    Please advise.

    Thanks in Advance

    Ritesh Ranjan
    Tech Lead (Wipro)

  • 11.  RE: Additional information in the Installing and configuring Maximo Mobile 8.10 for EAM guide?

    Posted Mon October 16, 2023 10:06 AM

    In the future, please create a new post rather than writing to an existing post. This thread has derailed for quite a few completely unrelated topics to the original post and it makes it difficult for someone else that may have the same question to discover it. 

    You should not need more than 8 GB of RAM for our container so I'm a bit confused why you're trying to increase it to allow it to go beyond 15 GB. This isn't something I've needed to do personally. The wslconfig file seems like the appropriate approach based on a quick google search but if there are issues, it would be better suited for a Microsoft forum. We don't support the device configuration required to get the docker container running. 

    Steven Shull

  • 12.  RE: Additional information in the Installing and configuring Maximo Mobile 8.10 for EAM guide?

    Posted Mon September 11, 2023 01:15 PM
    Edited by Bincy Jose Mon September 11, 2023 01:45 PM

    Hello Steven,

    Thank you for your input. We were able to connect to Maximo server for MAF config tool using IP address, but still we could not proceed with development as the mobile app XMLs not loading in MAF config tool.

    As part of troubleshooting, we had to spend some time to get the WSL2 enabled in server where we have the docker desktop installed.

    Even with a new docker container using the latest MAF image 8.10.5 for mobile version 8.10, we face the same issue in getting XMLs loaded in MAF.

    Furthermore, from chrome inspect we see that loader.js is failing while downloading the apps and its routing to "https" resulting into monaco-editor@0.33.0/min/vs/loader.js">
    whereas in IBM techzone VM we see its routing to 

    Could you please suggest if we have any workaround on this.

    Thanks in advance,


  • 13.  RE: Additional information in the Installing and configuring Maximo Mobile 8.10 for EAM guide?

    Posted Mon September 11, 2023 01:33 PM

    Hitting the docker container running externally (or using an IP address instead of localhost) was causing certain requests to be forced over https due to our content security policy that was configured. We made changes in 8.10.6 (which was designed to support 8.10 IFIX 04) to handle this. I believe there is still an issue in this scenario during the preview where we have the preview hardcoded to expect it running on localhost. This we made a change for 8.11 but have not yet backported it to 8.10. When we make fixes, it's only on new builds. IE 8.10.5 will never get either of these fixes. 

    Opening a support case is the proper way to track and get fixes to these types of issues. 

    Steven Shull