Maximo User Group - UK & Ireland

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2021 Registration for the May online meetings is OPEN

  • 1.  2021 Registration for the May online meetings is OPEN

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue April 13, 2021 11:46 AM
    Edited by Richard Barber Thu November 04, 2021 09:19 AM

    With the gradual easing of lockdown and vaccination program going well across the UK and Ireland, we are getting closer to be able to meet in the flesh. However at this stage the committee agreed to carry out our May MUG online.


    To reduce online fatigue, the last three Thursday afternoons in May, 13th, 20th and 27th are going to be used, so get the dates in your calendar as we are going to have some very interesting topics, some old favourites and we're trying something new!! Registration links below.


    May 13th 13:00 - 15:00 

    Virtual Mobile Roundtable Discussion with Aaron Hermes (Interloc Solutions), Joe Lightfoot (SRO), Tristan O’Gorman (IBM)

    We are also trying something new, with a virtual roundtable of some of the most knowledgeable people in the mobile, handheld Maximo arena.

    They are there to take your questions about anything mobile. So if you have any burning questions for the experts before you embark on the mobile journey, or have started the journey and need to know more we want your questions. You can send them through to myself or one of the other committee members and we can make sure you get an answer.

    We have Russ McKay IBM - 'Gain insights from you equipment using a pragmatic approach to IoT’, covering the different types of sensor, IoT protocols and a demo of Maximo Asset Monitor and much more.

    Register here:


    May 20th 13:00 - 15:00 

    We're talking Maximo Support with one of the IBM Champions of 2021, Mark Robbins. A subject that doesn't usually get enough airtime as it's seen as a little negative and one that Mark is passionate about sharing his knowledge and experiences of.

    A Maximo UK & Ireland user group meeting wouldn't be the same without a look forward at what we can expect from IBM in the coming months. That's right the Maximo RoadMap presented by Dave Gasdia IBM.

    Register here:


    May 27th 13:00 - 15:00 

    Virtual Scheduling Roundtable Discussion with Steve Lee (IBM), Linda Wilkinson (Bouygues), Andrew Woodrow (Peacock Engineering).

    We venture into another round table discussion around the various ways of planning and scheduling and the various products for Maximo that some of our users are using. With experts on hand to answer all of those planning and scheduling questions. So again, if you have anything you really wanted to know, drop myself or one of the committee a note.

    And last but certainly not least we have a visit from Reliability Web's very own Terence O'Hanlon, giving us his take on the 10 Rights Of Digitisation, one not to be missed.

    Register here:


    2020 Premier User Group Badge

    On other news we've been recognised again by IBM as a Premier User Group for the sixth year running, so thank you to the committee and community for continuing to make these meetings happen, either online or in person.


    All that remains to be said is get registering, send in your questions and see you there!



    Richard Barber

    Richard Barber
    Maintenance Systems Lead Engineer
    Drax Power Limited
    01757 612187