Fields Consulting is proud to be the Sponsor of the Arizona Maximo User Group and IBM Online Community with IBM! We are a group focused on the Maximo End User! With Maximo User Group Member Presentations, Maximo Best Practices, Maximo Functional and Technical Demo’s, Free Training sessions and great social events to further build the Maximo User community! We also have a fantastic new online forum to ask questions, get answers and interact with your fellow Maximo Users! These events are free, with a free lunch and snacks to keep your energy up - and of course great give away drawings. You just have to make it! All made possible by the vendor sponsors of the group!
The Arizona Maximo User Group is about the Maximo user, for the user and designed to be a great way to learn what others are doing in Arizona, network, improve skills and network! Please join us!

Established: August, 2012