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  • 1.  Smart Section In Tririga

    Posted 21 days ago

    Hi, we are facing one issue with the smart section. From the smart section we have one editable field, and whenever we are trying to input the value to that editable field, it's not getting saved from the reference form; the same value is getting saved from the source form if we input directly on the source form and click on save action. but not from reference form. Any thoughts on how we can fix this issue? Your help will be appreciated.

    We are using platform version 3.8.0.

    Application Version is


  • 2.  RE: Smart Section In Tririga

    IBM Champion
    Posted 20 days ago

    A smart section in TRIRIGA allows you to display information from a related record on your record.  There are 3 types of smart sections. First is reference only, which copies the data over at the time the section is set but does not keep it in sync. Second is reference with live link. The live link setting keeps the data in your smart section up to date when there are changes in the source record, but does not push data from your smart section back to the source. Third is reference with modify which will copy over the data from the source record but it does not keep it in sync. However, it does allow you to change the values in your smart section. Again, those values are not pushed back to the source record. So bottom line is that is no configuration or support for allowing a smart section to be edited and to have those changes pushed to the source. 

    What you are trying to do is not supported by TRIRIGA. There is now fix for this behavior, it is working as it was designed. If you want to change data on the source record you either need to modify the source record directly, or on your record with the smart section you could use workflow to go back and update the source record.


    Mark Johnson
    Senior Architect

  • 3.  RE: Smart Section In Tririga

    Posted 16 days ago

    Hi Mark, Thanks for the reply. We tried keeping the on-change workflow from the record, which has a smart section, but it is not working as expected. The moment we are entering value into the editable field under the smart section and click out side, the value is getting cleared without saving, and even though we have added save logic under the save transition workflow of the reference record, there are still no expected results. Kindly, please help us understand why we are failing even if we use the workflow update.


  • 4.  RE: Smart Section In Tririga

    IBM Champion
    Posted 7 days ago

    You can't do it the way you are trying. A smart section with modify won't update from the source record as it would overwrite the modifications. You could create a separate field that isn't part of the smart section and then use an on change workflow to go and update the source record and if your smart section is using live link it should update. So you can do what you want, just not through the smart section fields.  I'm assuming when you say under the smart section that you mean the field is in the smart section. If by under you mean its a different field in a different section but it still isn't working you may have an issue where the data on the screen is temporary data, but live link updates the permanent data in the database. So that would require a refresh to the screen in order for the form to reload and show the updated value.

    Hope this helps,


    Mark Johnson
    Senior Architect

  • 5.  RE: Smart Section In Tririga

    Posted 3 days ago

    Thanks, Mark, for your valuable reply. I have one other strange issue, i.e., we had created one smart section before with reference only, but now we want to delete that smart section permanently from the business object as we created another smart section with reference with modify. But we are unable to delete smart sections. We keep getting error as the section is being used in other objects, but we removed all dependencies but are still getting the same problem. Kindly, please tell us why we are unable to delete the old smart section.


  • 6.  RE: Smart Section In Tririga

    IBM Champion
    Posted 3 days ago

    The problem you are running in to is there are records that exist that are utilizing that smart section. You will need to build a patch helper workflow that goes through each of those records and removes the reference from that record to the smart section record. As long as a single record is using the smart section, it can not be deleted. You can't just delete the association, as the platform maintenance agent will just rebuild it. You have to remove the reference.


    Mark Johnson
    Senior Architect

  • 7.  RE: Smart Section In Tririga

    Posted 3 days ago

    Yes, we removed all references with the help of patch helper, but still we are unable to delete the smart section.


  • 8.  RE: Smart Section In Tririga

    Posted 3 days ago

    Is there any way we can get to know where the smart section is being used, including all objects and records?
