New Zealand Maximo User Group

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Is your business looking at doing more in Maximo?

By Natasha Thomason posted Sun August 06, 2023 03:05 PM


How the months are just RUNNING by this year...!

I was reflecting on this months topic - doing more with what you have (its a becoming a business mantra...) and two blogs from last year came to mind... New Applications - how do we find out what we dont know; and Recycle/Repurpose Old applications for New business process.

Both of these topics support the notion of doing more with what you already have, so my shout out this month to the Community is..... what are you looking to do 'more' of in Maximo? or to support a specific business function you are involved with - ESRI, Reporting and Analytics, additional system integrations????

People (and systems) need to keep evolving, challenging/changing and learning SO what have you learned over the last year that has changed or improved your business use of Maximo? The community would love to hear about it as these types of discussions quickly spark ideas for others....

NZ User Group Leadership Team

Here are the links to the blogs mentioned above....

New Applications – how do we find out what we don’t know?

Recycle/Repurpose Old applications for new business process:

