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Replay Available | Dec 12 | TRIRIGA Tuesday: Best Practices in Large Scale Implementations – The Journey with IBM Global Real Estate

By Amy Harbst posted Tue December 12, 2023 03:45 PM



A replay of our December 12th webinar “TRIRIGA Tuesday: Best Practices in Large Scale Implementations – The Journey with IBM Global Real Estateis now available. 

  • You can access a replay of this event using this link or our TRIRIGA Tuesday 2023 webinar portal
  • Within the replay, open the Event Resources link (underneath the video player) to access slide desk, plus other event resources and registration links for upcoming events.   

This concludes our 2023 TRIRIGA Tuesday webinar series. I’d like to thank all of you who joined us throughout the year. I sincerely hope our topics were both timely and informative. 

As often happens when a new year starts, we are undergoing some changes. IBM will reach out when our TRIRIGA Tuesday schedule resumes in 2024.

Please let me know if you have any questions. 

Many Thanks,


