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Replay Available | Nov 28 | TRIRIGA Tuesday: Unlocking the Power of TRIRIGA Reservations

By Amy Harbst posted Thu November 30, 2023 12:02 PM



A replay of our November 28th webinar “TRIRIGA Tuesday: Unlocking the Power of TRIRIGA Reservationsis now available.

  • You can access a replay of this event using this link or our TRIRIGA Tuesday 2023 webinar portal.
  • Within the replay, open the Event Resources link (underneath the video player) to access our slide decks, plus other event resources and registration links for upcoming events.   
  • NOTE: Q&A transcript is pending. It will be included in Event Resources by next week. We had some questions we didn’t have time to address during the webinar, so we are completing those.

Our last TRIRIGA Tuesday of 2024 will include a visit with IBM Global Real Estate, where they share their TRIRIGA implementation journey over the past year. All are welcome to join! 

In addition, if you are in the Washington DC area and would like to join us, we are having an in-person event. 

Please reach out with any questions. 

Many Thanks,


