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TRIRIGA Tuesday Webinar Replay | Strategic Real Estate Asset Management

By Amy Harbst posted Wed November 30, 2022 02:58 PM


TRIRIGA Tuesday: Strategic Real Estate Asset Management 

Date: Tuesday, November 29, 2022 
Time: 12:00PM EST 

TRIRIGA Tuesday: November 2022 Slides & Replay

TRIRIGA Tuesday: On Demand Replay Series

 Learn how TRIRIGA, Maximo, and Envizi fit together to help large enterprises enable Strategic Asset Management (STREAM).

Corporate real estate groups are hampered by fractured, disparate and disconnected systems. Disjointed systems increase costs, limit reporting, and prevent timely response to critical events. Space re-alignment, expanded sustainability reporting, and anticipation of ever-changing market conditions require inter-connected real estate lifecycle data to remove latency and empower enterprises to act with precision while maintaining central control and efficiency.

