Studio R12 for R11 Experts - Quick Reference Guide

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Studio R12 for R11 Experts - Quick Reference Guide 

Thu December 29, 2016 06:06 PM

Audience: Experienced TBMAs


This document outlines the common activities you perform in R11 and how to perform them in R12.

You may also be interested in Great Resources for Upgrading to R12.

♦ Applies to: R12.0, R12.1, R12.2+.


Data Studio - What's new in Data Studio

ActivityIn R11 you:In R12 you:
Upload dataLoaded data in stg.

Check out existing document in dev, select the Upload step, and upload data.

For a new data set, select New on the ribbon, and select Table.

Upload Data (3 min.) 

Upload Data

Data Load  / Month End Close ProcessFollowed best practice around separated workflows for data loading and configuration.

Review your TBM Calendar for a seamless transition to R12.

  • Consider any data owners that will need to learn how to load data in R12.
  • Since refreshing data requires checking out a document, you will need to consider when data is loaded to avoid checked out document conflicts.
  • Consider using datadrop to bypass the check-in/check-out requirements.
    Work with Apptio DataDrop   

Ask your CSM for guidance and best practice.

Validate data

Data Quality Reports

Project Validation - Part 1

Data Quality Reports

Validate Data 

Data Validation (R12)

Double check subsequent data uploads for columns matching.

Check the Over/Under validation warning on the Model Overview report. (12.2.4)

Ask your CSM for guidance and best practice.

Table transform edits

Made a transform of a raw data set and edited transforms in dev.

Transforms are replaced by the transformation pipeline which allows you to edit a single document in its raw form.

Orientation to the Data Transform Workspace


Model Studio - What's New in the R12 Model Studio

ActivityIn R11 you:In R12 you now:
Model EditsEdited models, allocations, and view filters in dev.

Check out the model document in dev. The R12 model layout looks significantly different from the R11 layout.

Review Single Object Model (7 min.) 

In projects upgraded from R11, models and tables may have different names, but for net new objects they are the same document.

Data based Allocations

Key logic and inference

You can explicitly define a data-based reference between one or more columns in the source document and one or more columns in the destination document.

Allocation Types

You could use a table based allocation or a rules based allocation with strategies that included even, weighted, and many-to-many.

See Allocate value in a model  for allocation types

InferenceInference existed.

Inference will pre-populate the Join step for projects migrated from R11, but new allocations in R12 no longer have inference as a default option.

The Join step allows you to quickly bring in columns from reference data for reporting.

Inference Tracing / Allocation Key TracingUsed an inference trace to understand how Apptio is finding inferred relationships between data sets and objects.

Go to the single model view and compare the explicit keys configured on your data based allocation.

For automatic allocations, Apptio recommends specifying explicit keys when you next modify that next allocation's configuration. 

Model TracingUsed the tracing feature on the Model tab.

Create a model report and use the Tier Editor to define your parameters.  

Review Overview Model (6 min.) 

Ask your CSM for guidance.

See Visual Representation of ModelUsed Model tab.

Access Sankey Model by selecting a Model document.

 (Project Explorer > Tables > Modeled document such as Cost Source). Tip: Filter to view only Modeled Documents.

Review Single Object Model (7 min.) 


You can also view the whole model. (Project Explorer > Reports > Models > Summary)

Review Overview Model (6 min.) 

Alternatively, view the R11-style (all objects at once) model diagram. (Project Explorer > Metrics > Modeled metric such as Cost).


See this list of available functions. Apptio function quick reference (11.8 - 12.1)

New functions in R12:







TagsSet a tag on a driver.

Tags are no longer necessary. Tagged drivers are converted to model metrics of the same name upon upgrade. Create a report using ad hoc query or create a model report.

Configure Unit DriverClicked on an object in the model, clicked on the driver tab, and clicked the Add Unit Driver button. Additionally, allocation lines into most modeled objects above Cost Source are essentially unit drivers.  

Configuring a unit driver requires a document check out.

Unit drivers sourced from columns, formulas, or metrics can be created via the single-object view for a given table. The image below shows an example of this.

Create and manage metrics 


Report Studio - What's new in Report Studio

ActivityIn R11 you:In R12 you:
Edit reportsMade report changes in dev.

Check out a report document in dev to make changes. Note that the Ad Hoc Query Configuration dialog does not float and is anchored to the right of the Project Explorer.

Review Report Studio (5 min.) 

Edit Master reports

Selected "Edit Masters" from the report ribbon.

Check out the master report, edit as desired, and check-in.

Master Reports R12

Export reportsExported reports to other file formats such as pdf and ppt.

You can export reports to Excel only.

Configure or Customize an Out of the Box ReportFollowed best practice around documenting configurations or customizations to out of the box reports to reduce friction of upgrades.

Any change to an out of the box report will prevent the associated content from future upgrades.

Talk to your CSM prior to making any modifications to out of the box reports in R12.



ActivityIn R11 you:In R12 you:

Access TBM Studio (R12.2+)

Click on the Studio tab.

In R12.2, open the project/application menu and select "TBM Studio".

Audit Logs

Checked the audit log to see the trail of activity.

Performed undo and redo on audit log entries. 

Roll back changes 

Keep detailed check-in history by always using check-in comments.

Check-out, Check-in, and recommended best practices (Outdated, click for updated version) 

Check out and check in documents

Ask your CSM about Operational Excellence.

EnvironmentUsed the three-url dev/stg/prod environment for configuration (dev), validation and data loads (stg) and production publish (prod). 

Dev/stg/prod are now contained within a single URL. R12 has deeply integrated change control across environments.

Test CalculationsTested calculations in stg.

While calculations still occur, they don't occur in production and so do not need to be tested in stg.

Create a New ProjectCreating projects did not require additional user administration.

Create a project. Check-in project. Set visibility in the Admin Console.

Project ValidationValidated projects in stg.

In Staging, Lock and then validate prior to promoting.

Final PublishPublished to prod.

From a locked Staging, click Promote to prod. After promoting, unlock Staging to allow further check ins.

PermissionsWorking with user roles and permissions in Apptio Studio

Admin Console (Frontdoor) enabled? Manage users (Outdated; click for updated version)

Frontdoor (Apptio User Administration) Knowledge Base


Not Frontdoor enabled?  Manage users' access to environments  


You created a snapshot.

Create a Project Snapshot  

Snapshots no longer exist. Instead, you can

Branch projects.

Creating a Branch (4 min.)

Fireside Chat: The What, Why and How of Branching (CT R12)

Ask your CSM for branching guidance and best practices.

Shift Fiscal Calendar / Change Start of Time

Not supported.

You can change the starting month of the fiscal year calendar (for Gregorian fiscal calendars only, does not apply to 13-period calendars). You do so via the Project tab, Time Settings command.  

Recurring Promotions

Scheduled recurring promotions via the Promotions tab.

There are now three options for promotions. See

Promotion Options

Ask your CSM for promotion guidance and best practices.


0 Favorited
0 Files


Thu June 14, 2018 02:23 AM

Quite Handy


Thu March 29, 2018 11:44 PM

Saw on another post where Apptio was stating PDF export would be available later this year!!

Future Export to PDF in R12? 


Wed March 28, 2018 03:26 PM

@Barbie O'Shea - Note on pulling reports - future enhancements


Wed March 14, 2018 12:55 PM

Not yet - we've been waiting on that one - I'm hoping it's available soon


Wed March 14, 2018 12:42 PM


Can't we export reports in PDF ?

I do not manage to modify the "Report PDFs" in Project tab on a report and do not find documentation on this button.


Wed February 21, 2018 12:33 PM

Thank you @Shannon Wallner for creating such an amazing reference for Apptio V12. I think @Joshua Phelps, @Kali Elmenhurst, @John Mayer, @Anjelica Venzant, and @Michael Youngblood would also appreciate and benefit from such a great reference.


Fri January 19, 2018 02:55 PM

Working on our R12 build and this is great, thank you!


Thu January 18, 2018 02:17 AM

This is outstanding, thank you. We are about to start our R12 rebuild so will be going to school on this big time.


Tue December 12, 2017 11:11 AM

Thanks, Julie!  Sorry I haven't been on - got a few loads we're working   


Tue December 12, 2017 04:21 AM

@Jenny Franklin - this is the one I mentioned


Mon October 23, 2017 06:38 PM

On 10/20/17 Apptio's service desk confirmed that this functionality is on the roadmap for R12 and explained that the reason the export icons are there even though the functionality isn't, is because the export to PPT/PDF existed in R11.


Fri October 13, 2017 07:20 PM

Hi Jon, 


We were wondering about this just last week so I opened case #109364 on 10/4/17. Based on the following from the Apptio service desk, they don't seem to be aware that it's just a preview of coming attractions. Can you please confirm that's the case? 


10/6/17 - From Igor:" I also see the same behavior. I don't see any errors in the logs and have filed an internal ticket to make sure everything is set for you to be able to do this. I will let you know once we find what is causing this issue and when it is resolved."


Regards, Patrick


Thu October 12, 2017 08:24 PM

Hi Fabian,


Currently export to excel functionality is available with PPT and PDF exports on the roadmap.




Thu October 12, 2017 09:12 AM

Can reports really only be downloaded as xls? 

A right click on a report still allows downloading (mailing, sending links, direct download) in V12 in the "Studio" and "Cost
Transparency" view.


Tue August 08, 2017 09:07 PM

Please edit View Administration permission to state, that this role also allows you to view TBM studio tab. This was discovered per Matthew Temple


Wed January 18, 2017 08:54 AM

Hey Sidd Sinha,


For your reference.
