Want to know one of the most frustrating steps in becoming a cloud expert? All three major cloud vendors (GCP/AWS/Azure) each have their own terminologies, and their own billing and cost structures. Since your company may end up using one, or more than one, of these vendors you might be required to learn multiple terms for the same type of services. Needless to say, that can get a bit difficult! So what's the easiest way to learn all these different terms and taxonomies?
Now before you cringe at the idea of pulling up online documentation let me make things easier for you. All three of these vendors have robust websites that clearly outline their own services and terms. The best part is that it's all publicly available at no cost. These were actually some of the first pages I bookmarked for myself when I started working as a Cloudability TAM, and I still use them to this day.
I hope these resources help on your own cloud journeys as well. If you think of any additional resources please list them below, we'd all appreciate the help!
Justin Kean