Global Slicer would be saved independently from the saved views. Most of the global slicers I use are very high level. The users probably could save just a few custom views of the global slicers that could apply to all of the reports in the collection. They don't change much from report to report because usually they equate to the area they are responsible for (cost center, department, owner, manger, segment, region,tower for example). Have two sections of saved views one for the report and one for the global slicers. They can select them separately.
KristineKleinTerex CorporationSenior Operations Specialist TBMA
Original Message:
Sent: 07-30-2024 11:19
From: Edward Hayman
Subject: Saved Views and Global Slicers
I am looking for input regarding Saved Views which is a new feature to be released later this year. Saved Views enables an end user to configure a report and save their interactive settings including slicers, columns pickers, tab selection, quick pivots, etc. In addition, end users can create and name multiple views and select one as the 'default view'. This addresses the issue where an end user has to re-select their desired settings each time they open up a report. There will be options to reset the views to return to the default report view
I am looking for input on how Global Slicers should behave with the Saved Views feature. Today, Global Slicers persist the slicer selection across sessions using the browser cache and are applied across reports in a report collection (if the report includes the same global slicer). The interaction of Global Slicers with Saved Views are somewhat conflicting. Here are two options we are considering.
- Global Slicer selection will be saved in the new user preference service and removed from the browser cache. That way it is not reset with a browser cache clear and will work across browsers and computers. The Global Slicer selection will be saved independently from the Saved View report-specific settings. Thus, the end user can define the specific interactive settings standard slicers, column pickers, quick pivot, etc. for each report. However, the Global Slicers selection would not be part of the Saved View and would be set separately by updating the Global Slicer directly. In this scenario, the Global Slicer will be applied to multiple reports with the same Global Slicer and would be applied consistently across different named, Saved Views.
- Keep it simple and deprecate the Global Slicer behavior. End Users would configure each report to the desired settings including Slicers, pickers, etc. The "Global" option for a slicer would be removed.
Any thoughts or input on the desired behavior?