Are you testing to see if we can still update out here? You rebel... 😄 I still need to get out to the IBM Community site and figure out how to get email updates from there...
Original Message:
Sent: 10-29-2024 07:23
From: Guillermo Cuadrado
Subject: prepaid sw licensing, opex vs capex
Regards, Guillermo
Original Message:
Sent: 10-15-2024 05:43
From: Guillermo Cuadrado
Subject: prepaid sw licensing, opex vs capex
Our Finance team process that in the ERP system upfront, so we do get as D&A whatever share is required, @Kyle Sellner.
I take it this is not your case, so I would create a transform with the items that fall under this category, and generate the D&A apportioned across the amortization period. Then, I'd replace the line items with the corresponding D&A amount for the month.
I would certainly consult with Finance, just in case.
Regards, Guillermo
Original Message:
Sent: 10-14-2024 11:10
From: Kyle Sellner
Subject: prepaid sw licensing, opex vs capex
we have a large volume of prepaid software licensing and hardware maintenance. It's really OpEx on the income statement, but sort of acts like CapEx. I want to include these prepaid payments in my vendor reporting. But it's not true CapEx. How do others capture this spend?