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Cooking with Devon - And Friends - Year to Year Forecast Report

By Devon Bilsing posted 12 days ago



As a finance leader, I want to see the YoY delta of my previous year actuals to my current year forecast such that I can be proactive in managing my current year spend.


  • General Ledger
  • Forecast
  • Home-made Metrics

Prepare ahead of time:

Ensure you have your General Ledger and Forecast (either manual or ITPF version) loaded into TBM Studio for Costing. I prefer to create transforms for each data set and then map/append them into Cost Source Master Data. Prepare your Cost and Forecast drivers, as well. 


  • Create an annual Metric for your Cost 
    • Home ribbon-> New-> Metric
    • Name = myAnnualCost
    • Model Type =Calculated Metric
    • Value Calculation =Annual(Cost) (function reference)
    • TableFormat =Currency({myAnnualCost},"#,##0")
    • Ps – there is an out of the box version of Annual Cost, but be sure to check if the calculation is producing the result you are hoping for.
  • Create an annual Metric for your Forecast
    • Home ribbon-> New-> Metric
    • Name = myAnnualForecast
    • Model Type =Calculated Metric
    • Value Calculation =Annual(Forecast) 
    • TableFormat =Currency({myAnnualForecast},"#,##0")
  • Create a Metric to get previous year annual Cost
    • Home ribbon-> New-> Metric
    • Name = myPreviousAnnual
    • Model Type =Calculated Metric
    • Value Calculation =TimePeriod(myAnnualCost, -12) (function reference)
    • TableFormat =Currency({myPreviousAnnual},"#,##0")
  • Create a new report, call it Year to Year Analysis or Year over Year Analysis. Or a name of your choice – such as myFavoriteReportEVER_v2_Final
    • Add a table - Report Ribbon at top of page->Table
    • Bring in dimensions of your choice from Cost Source object 
    • Drag your newly created Metrics into the table (you only need myAnnualForecast and myPreviousAnnual)
    • Finally, with the report table highlighted, add your YoY formula column
      • Go to the Data tab->Insert-> Insert Formula Column
      • YoY=myPreviousAnnual-myAnnualForecast 
    • Be sure to have your finance team taste test this YoY formula. Tastes differ, some prefer forecast-previous year actuals
  • Check-in
  • Best enjoyed with leadership


  • Validate your annual metrics to ensure all rows are being included throughout time 
  • Shout out to my teammates Scott and Josh for the assist with this solution
