Sync device list on Site Planner and IBM SevOne

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Wed May 08, 2024 10:01 AM

Please note that each of these templates acts as a starting point for you to use IBM Rapid Network Automation. Access and details of any third-party platforms should already be available and added into the applicable places in the workflow. These files do not provide access or a way to access any third-party platform.


Purpose of Workflow:  Compare list of devices on SevOne with Siteplanner and reconcile the differences in device list between the two platforms.


Description: This workflow gets list of devices from Siteplanner including Device name and Device management IP address.  Workflow checks if these devices exist on SevOne and creates the missing devices on SevOne.  The output identifies the list of devices from Siteplanner that were missing in SevOne.     

List of requirements:

CP4NA Site Planner: 

SevOne Version: 6.3.0 or newer

Environment Required:

·        CP4NA SitePlanner:  needed to get list of network devices

o   SitePlanner Authentication token

·        SevOne:  Get list of network devices monitored by SevOne

o   SevOne UserID/Password for authentication


  • SitePlanner Authentication key
  • SevOne Authentication key


  • Workflow: Logs into CP4NA siteplanner and gets a list of Devices in Siteplanner.  Device details including Mgmt Ip and device name are saved to an array
  • Workflow: Workflow gets list of devices from SevOne
  • Workflow iterates through the SitePlanner device list and checks if each device exists in SevOne.
  • If the device is not found in SevOne, workflow creates the device with device details from SitePlanner.


To Run the Workflow: 

·        Execute the workflow.

Expected results:

A message indicating the sync status along with an array of device name(s) are output by the workflow.

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Uploaded - Wed May 08, 2024