Elevating an Existing Netcool installation to the next level with IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps webinar recording & slides

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Wed May 05, 2021 10:38 AM

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Elevating an established IT-Service Management installation into a highly integrated AIOps solution has been made easy with IBM. In this session we will showcase how the level of automation can be raised to relieve operators from day-to- day tasks, manual system interaction, and error prone actions by applying AI and automation to traditional IT operations, event management, predictive insights and more. We will highlight best practices and share real uses cases from our client.

Michael Troitzsch
Network/System Management Solution Architect

With many years of experience in Systems-, Network- and Event-management, Michael is responsible for all technical aspects of DICOS‘ IBM partnership. Prior to DICOS, Michael worked in similar roles on the vendor side in this space, last for Micromuse Inc. So Michael, as well as DICOS, has a focus on Netcool for more than 20 years and now starts to follow IBM into the Watson AIOps era. Not leaving classical Netcool customers behind, Michael and his team help their customers to plan, build and run modern IT Operations systems. Migration from Netcool Operations Insight to Watson AIOps will be an important task for the coming months and years.

Fred Harald Klien
Executive IT-Specialist
IBM Cloud and Cognitive Software

Fred studied Computer Science and Electronics at the Technical University of Berlin, from where he earned a Masters degree. He is the IBM Watson AIOps SWAT team lead and supports IBM customers around the world on their journey from classical IT-Service Management to AI infused operations. He has also spent a number of years consulting in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, furthering his passion for innovation and technology. Fred is a certified software trainer, influencer and blogger. His specialization lies within the Network Management and Telecommunications sector.


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2 Files
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IBM Webinar 2020-5-5, Evolution of an existing Netcool cl....pdf   1.90 MB   1 version
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Slides.DICOS.2021-05-05.pdf   531 KB   1 version
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