Data Insight Kubernetes Container Performance Monitoring Including eBPF Container Traffic Flow Mapping

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9 days ago

Purpose of Workflow: This is a new version of the Data Insight container monitoring workflow that also includes flow mapping coming from netobserv/eBPF flow data.

Description: This workflow enables the collection of performance from the Kubernetes containers and application data from SevOne Data Insight by interrogating the Prometheus interface available in Data Insight. On top of it, there is another workflow that will map the container traffic metric created by the workflow with the flow data that comes from netobserv/eBPF creating a filter that matches source/destination container with the actual SevOne object (container interface).

There are four workflows on this file:

  • SevOne Data Insight Monitoring: main workflow that collects data from Data insight k8s environment and ingests the data into SevOne
  • SevOne Ingest Data - APIv3 (new v3 version): workflow used as part of the SevOne Data Insight Monitoring workflow. It mainly ingests the data into SevOne, it does not require to be executed on its own, because it is already part of the SevOne Data Insight Monitoring workflow.
  • SevOne - Map All Container Interfaces: this workflow will map SevOne objects (container interfaces) with flow data coming from eBPF/netobserv. It will executed once a day to map sure new containers are mapped correctly.
  • SevOne eBPF Container Mapping: this workflow is part of the SevOne - Map All Container Interfaces, it doesn't need to be executed stand alone.

List of requirements:

  • RNA: 2024.1.497
  • SevOne Version: 7.0.1 or newer
  • Enable eBPF/netobserv in the Data Insight Kubernetes cluster (

Environment Required:

  • Data Insight Prometheus authentication token
  • NMS Credentials


Recommended to create a job to execute the workflow that collects container performance data every 5 minutes

Expected results:

KPIs from the containers running on Data Insight as well as application data will appear in SevOne


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RNA Workflows for k8s monitoring in Data Insight   12 KB   1 version
Uploaded - Fri July 12, 2024