Compare network device configurations with NAPALM and RNA, 5 different scenarios.

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Thu November 21, 2024 04:01 PM

As promised, this is the second blog regarding Configuration Management of Network devices (Previous entry).  For this one, I am still using NAPALM (Network Automation and Programmability Abstraction Layer with Multivendor Support) to simplify the access and data collection, but I went deeper to cover 5 common use cases:

  • Check if the configurations are the same.
  • Add a new single line into running config, not saved to startup config.
  • Remove a single line from running config, not saved to startup config.
  • Change one line slightly (few characters).
  • Add 1 config block with many lines (7) to running config, not saved at startup config. 
  • Remove 1 config block with many lines (7) from running config, not saved to startup config.

Purpose of workflow: To automate the most common use cases for Network configuration management, taking advantage of the powerful IBM RNA (Rapid Network Automation).


Description: This workflow is designed to connect to network devices in a simple way using NAPALM functions. Once connected, the workflow collects the device’s running and startup configurations and compare line by line to find differences;  either configurations are the same or if different, why and where are the differences. 

Keep in mind, the source of data can change (github, local repositories, etc). The benefit  of using IBM RNA is to scale the audit of multiple devices quickly and easily and determine whether to follow up with further actions, (e.g. generate tickets on an ITSM to get fixed, create report, etc.)

Please test this and I am happy to receive your feedback, so I can expand, fix and increase the use cases.

List of requirements:

RNA Version: 1.1.3 or later

Integrations required: NAPALM (already included on RNA)

Authentication(s) needed: NAPALM or network devices CLI (username/password)


  • Workflow: Napalm_Config (attachment).
  • Create Authentication for NAPALM  (IP, port, username, password, enable)
  • Recommended to test first on one network device.

Expected results:

RNA will collect the configurations from the Network device and will validate line by line. As result, it will let you know what it was found to cover the 5 use cases described above.

Both configurations are equal
Example 2, Startupconfig has some extra lines that are at running config



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