Automatically provision an EC2 instance and add an NS1 DNS Record

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Mon August 05, 2024 10:45 AM

Name: Automatically provision an EC2 instance and add an NS1 DNS Record

Purpose of Workflow: Create an EC2 Instance and create/update a DNS record in NS1 that matches to the public IPv4 address of the new compute instance.

Description: The workflow involves the creation of an EC2 instance, based on a number of pre-defined but configurable parameters. Once the EC2 instance is created in AWS, it will grab the recently created publicly-facing IPv4 address and create or update a new/existing matching DNS record in NS1. Self-service user variables can be chosen, during the process, including zone name (top-level domain), domain name (sub-domain/record name), and AWS instance region. This will speed up both the instance creation process and attaching to a public DNS record, and the user does not need to login to either provider's console.

The integration of these two systems allows for the democratization of cloud compute and infrastructure to teams who may not have access to these systems or who do not have the technical knowledge to be able to perform these tasks.

List of requirements:

RNA Version: 2022.8 or later

Integrations required: NS1, AWS

Authentication(s) needed: NS1, AWS

NS1 User Role: The user must be able to update/create zones

AWS User Role: The user must be able to create EC2 and manage Elastic IPs


  • Workflow: AWS EC2 + NS1 DNS Provision
    • Update Variable (Block 1)
  • Automation (for self-service): Create Panel

Expected results:

User can create an EC2 instance and create an NS1 DNS record that matches to the IPv4 address of the AWS instance.


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1 Files
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AWS EC2 + NS1 DNS Provision Template Workflow   1 KB   1 version
Uploaded - Mon August 05, 2024