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Automation Workflow specifies whether Turbonomic will execute an action, or whether Turbonomic will automate external workflows to effect the change in your environment. Apart from controlling the execution, automation workflows also allow actions to seek external approval from...
IBM Turbonomic Automation Workflows - Quick overview and value.mp4
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This article explains about how to create Slack Account and Integrate in Watson AIOps. The article is based on the the following. RedHat OpenShift 4.8 on IBM Cloud (ROKS) Watson AIOps 3.3.0 Steps Here are the steps to be done when Configuring Slack for Watson AIOps AI Manager. ...
This article explains in details about the Story in Slack and WebConsole based on the Log Amomaly Detection in Watson AIOps. The article is based on the the following RedHat OpenShift 4.8 on IBM Cloud (ROKS) Watson AI-Ops 3.3.0 1. Slack Story Slack story shows the incident...
This article explains about how to create Slack Account and Integrate in Watson AIOps. The article is based on the the following. RedHat OpenShift 4.8 on IBM Cloud (ROKS) Watson AIOps 3.2.0 Steps Here are the steps to be done when Configuring Slack for Watson AIOps AI Manager. ...
This article explains about how to install Watson AIOps AI-Manager on ROKS. The below sections describes that. Watson AIOps 3.2.0 installation and demo setup requirements. Updating Global Pull Secrets before installing WAIOps 3.2 Installing Watson AIOps AI-Manager on ROKS The article...