Getting Started
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This document explains about how to create Topology for BookInfo App using Topology Manager API. The shell scripts to create a BookInfo Application topology using Topology API is available in files . 1. Retrieve Topology API Access Details 1. Login into OCP Cluster Login into the OCP...
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This article explains about how create to AI-Model Definition for the following in Watson AIOps. Log Anomaly detection Similar Incidents The article is based on the the following RedHat OpenShift 4.8 on IBM Cloud (ROKS) Watson AIOps 3.2.0 1. Create AI-Model Definition for...
This article explains about how to create Slack Account and Integrate in Watson AIOps. The article is based on the the following. RedHat OpenShift 4.8 on IBM Cloud (ROKS) Watson AIOps 3.2.0 Steps Here are the steps to be done when Configuring Slack for Watson AIOps AI Manager. ...
This article explains about Watson AIOps 3.2.0 demo setup with iLender Application. The article is based on the the following RedHat OpenShift 4.8 on IBM Cloud (ROKS) Watson AIOps 3.2.0 Architecture Here is the architecture that is going to be setup. 1. Pre-requisites on...
This article explains about how to install Watson AIOps AI-Manager on ROKS. The below sections describes that. Watson AIOps 3.2.0 installation and demo setup requirements. Updating Global Pull Secrets before installing WAIOps 3.2 Installing Watson AIOps AI-Manager on ROKS The article...
This article explains about how to Create Application using Kubernetes Observer in Watson AIOps. The article is based on the the following. RedHat OpenShift 4.8 on IBM Cloud (ROKS) Watson AIOps 3.2.0 Pre-Requisite Kubernetes observer is one of the Integrations that should have been...
This article explains about how to do Training for the following in Watson AIOps. Log Anomaly detection Similar Incidents The article is based on the the following RedHat OpenShift 4.8 on IBM Cloud (ROKS) Watson AIOps 3.2.0 1. Training - Log Anomaly Detection 1....
This article explains about how to install iLender demo app and how to generate load in the app for training. This application can be installed on any of the Kubernetes cluster (IKS, OCP and etc) 1. Deploying iLender Application Through Kubectl or oc CLI commands login into the target...
Co-Author : @Arturo Cabre Watson AIOps version 3.2 delivered many key enhancements across the whole platform, in both the frontend and behind the scenes. A major focus was consolidating the backend, data is now easier to process and maintain, and is synced across all user...
Authors: Lu An, Xiaotong Liu, Andy Tu Is waiting a week to collect required training logs too long? Are you fearful that the collected training logs might be contaminated by error logs? Are the hours or even days taken for the initial model to be trained causing great...