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[Q&A Pair of the day] Is there a way to make Turbo aware of the HA Configuration?

  • 1.  [Q&A Pair of the day] Is there a way to make Turbo aware of the HA Configuration?

    Posted Tue April 12, 2022 01:40 PM
    Edited by Veeramani Nambi Fri April 15, 2022 05:38 AM
    Question: Hey guys. I have an interesting question. Lets imagine a situation, where customer has application running in HA (active and passive instance) and Turbonomic recommends scaling up CPU just for the active part. After the action is executed, now the active app is larger than the passive one and if it crashes, due to HA it switches to the passive instance which is underprovisioned and cannot serve current load.Is there a way to mirror scaling (or in fact any) actions that are being recommended? Some way to make Turbo aware that the app is in HA. I tried it with automation policies, but I dont see a way to do it without maybe using an action script execution.Thanks in advance for any help.

    Answer: Yes, we have a policy setting called "Consistent Resizing" that can be used in this case.  See the User Guide here: http://docs.turbonomic.com/docApp/doc/index.html?config=UG_Pnt#!/Latest/_reference/policy_defaults_vm.xml?showHighlight=true under the Consistent Resize section for details

    Question from @Marek Klofáč  Answer from @Jason Shaw


    Veeramani Nambi
    Offering Manager, GoToMarket - Communities